The Solution to Before-school Service in Compulsory Education:An Analysis Based on the Systematic Theory

  • Danyi Wang ,
  • Yunhuo Cui
  • 1. Chengdu Academy of Education Science, Chengdu 610036, China
    2. Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Accepted date: 2022-04-08

  Online published: 2022-07-04


The before-school service in compulsory education in China has become a problem puzzling the government, schools and families. This article uses the arrival time of students at school and before-school activities as the analytical reference of the length and content of before-school service. From the perspective of systematic theory, we construct a before-school service system model consisting of family and school, to analyze the before-school service system in the compulsory education. The survey shows that Chinese students arrive too early, before the time for their parents to go to work; the duration of Chinese before-school activities is too long, and the content of the activities is difficult to prepare for the first lesson. The early arrival time causes part of the family’s care function to be transferred to the school; too long and complicated before-school activities threaten the preparation function of before-school activities in schools, which endangers the current before-school service system in China. Therefore, it is suggested that the earliest time for school students to arrive at school should be set and the care functions of the family should be clarified. Also, regulations on the length and content of before-class activities should be introduced in order to restore the necessary preparation functions of before-class activities. In addition, paid before-class care service should be provided; the functional boundaries between parents and the school should be divided; before-class service policies and regulations should be promulgated; a supporting before-class service supervision mechanism should be established. In this way, the three-dimensional before-class service system can be established from four aspects of time, content, guarantee and supervision, thus the structural and functional misalignment of the family and school in the before-school service system is restored to ensure the smooth operation of the before-school service system.

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Danyi Wang , Yunhuo Cui . The Solution to Before-school Service in Compulsory Education:An Analysis Based on the Systematic Theory[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2022 , 40(7) : 38 -47 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.07.003


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