The Multi-sensory Experience in Smart Learning and its “Enabling” Enlightenment

  • Guolong Quan
  • Department of educational technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China

Online published: 2022-08-24


The teaching and learning application of artificial intelligence technology has become a hot spot in educational research and educational practice. The expected effect of intelligent teaching and learning with subject empowerment and educational empowerment as the value destination should be explored from the perspective of the subject in practice. In the learning application of smart technology, the smart learning experience can be examined and analyzed from the perspective of students to improve the functional design of smart technology, to adjust its application methods and to optimize its application process. Comparing the subject’s multi-sensory experience in the context of smart learning, and analyzing the subject’s feelings about the conditions, process and results of smart learning based on multi-dimensional data statistics can provide insight into the enlightenment of the subject in smart learning. The research found that the difference in the smart learning situation makes the subject’s multi-sensory experience different. The significant influence of dynamic and tactile experience has revealed the tendency and demand for the three-dimensional and substantive smart learning experience; and the application of smart technology is the main influencing element of the learning outcome experience, as well as the main source of the multi-sensory experience of smart learning, which can cause chain interactions in curriculum learning and enhancement of the subject’s experience. It is believed that the design of smart learning experience needs to require “thinking on the spot” within a rational framework that clearly defines the characteristics of intelligence to ensure its effectiveness, so as to promote the empowerment of the subject in the interactive communication of smart technology participation. The research has guiding value for the construction of smart teaching environment, the design and implementation of smart teaching and the analysis and recommendation of smart learning. It also has positive significance to effectively promote the development of educational application of smart technology.

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Guolong Quan . The Multi-sensory Experience in Smart Learning and its “Enabling” Enlightenment[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2022 , 40(9) : 105 -117 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.09.010


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