Adapting, Remixing and Emerging: The Function and Essence of the Second Bachelor’s Degree Education in the New Era

  • Xiaodong Lu
  • Institute of Economics of Education, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China

Online published: 2022-09-29


In the higher education structural system, in the “world”, and in the dual time vision of personal and public time, the second bachelor’s degree education is indispensable. The three key words of its function and essence are adapting, remixing and emerging. The important function of the second bachelor’s degree education in the new era is to quickly respond to the demand for talents and human resources from the changes in the market and industrial structure, and to provide learning opportunities for individual/Dasein with emerging learning motivations to enhance their adaptability; to supplement students enrollment to “unpopular” majors; cultivating top-notch creative talents based on remixing to increase the probability of “emerging” and enhance the country’s momentum for innovation and development. At the same time, the second bachelor’s degree education also provides a repair for the current teaching reforms that are still lagging behind in some colleges and universities. The classifications of remixing provide framework guidelines for the curriculum construction, enrollment qualifications and teaching of the second bachelor’s degree major. In the dual time vision of personal time and public time, the individual/Dasein recognizes himself, locates himself, projects himself with understanding of the world and the earth, and new learning motivation emerges unpredictably and unplannedly in the field within the worldliness and worlding of the world. The second bachelor’s degree education and other learning opportunities together promote the emerging and sheltering of diversity, richness and innovation.

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Xiaodong Lu . Adapting, Remixing and Emerging: The Function and Essence of the Second Bachelor’s Degree Education in the New Era[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2022 , 40(10) : 1 -16 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.10.001


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