Prelude to the Special Issue on Educational Psychology: Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the Department of Educational Psychology at ECNU

  • Zhenguo Yuan
  • Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 20062, China

Online published: 2022-10-27


Educational psychology is one of the fundamental disciplines in the field of education. Over the past hundred years, educational psychology has been continuously innovated by generations of educators and researchers. Entering the 21st century, educational psychology is facing a situation in which opportunities and challenges coexist. In this context, ECNU established the Department of Educational Psychology in the Faculty of Education in 2017, focusing on the learning and development of students of all ages and committed to theoretical innovation and realistic problem solving. What should and can educational psychology do, and how should the discipline develop in the future? To reflect on the past, work on the present, and look to the future, this special issue discussed the positioning and development of educational psychology, with the goal of shedding lights on policymaking and educational reform in China.

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Zhenguo Yuan . Prelude to the Special Issue on Educational Psychology: Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the Department of Educational Psychology at ECNU[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2022 , 40(11) : 1 -3 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.11.001


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