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    The Vitality of Teachers and Positive Teacher-student Relationships: A Study on the Emotional Transmission Effect
    Wei Yan, Zhongying Shi, Kaiping Peng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (3): 78-86.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.03.007
    Abstract1042)   HTML60)    PDF(pc) (742KB)(1599)       Save

    In recent years, the emotional interactions between teachers and students in the classroom have garnered increasing attention. Drawing from the vitality theory, this study posited that the vitality of teachers might enhance students’ vitality and foster positive teacher-student relationship via emotional transmission effect, specifically through students’ perception of teacher enthusiasm. This hypothesis was empirically examined with a sample of 2,386 Chinese middle school students and 76 headteachers. Data on student and teacher vitality, students’ perception of teacher enthusiasm, and positive teacher-student relationship were collected using questionnaires. A chain mediation model was established and evaluated. Results showed that teacher vitality directly predicts positive teacher-student relationship. The relationship is underpinned by the mediators of students’ perception of teacher enthusiasm and student vitality, and by the chain mediating effect of the two. In essence, when teachers demonstrate energy, enthusiasm, and vitality in their teaching, they are more likely to transmit this passion to their students. This, in turn, fosters more positive teacher-student relationships. These findings have significant implications for bolstering educational vitality, enhancing the mental health of teachers and students, and cultivating positive teacher-student relationships.

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    First Report on the Development of Chinese Adolescents’ Social and Emotional Skills: Based on the Second Round of SSES Data
    Zhenguo Yuan, Zhongjing Huang, Hong Wang, Xiangyu Wang, Jing Zhang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (5): 1-32.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.05.001
    Abstract827)   HTML91)    PDF(pc) (4355KB)(1239)       Save

    This report analyzes data from the Survey on Social and Emotional Skills for the 10- and 15-year-old groups of students in Jinan City, China, and finds that students in the 10-year-old group scored higher than students in the 15-year-old group in all 16 social and emotional skills. In the 10-year-old group, boys scored higher than girls in all social and emotional skills except responsibility and achievement motivation, where the top three skills with the greatest differences were curiosity, creativity, and emotional control. In the 15-year-old group, girls scored higher than boys on responsibility, empathy, and tolerance, with empathy being the top one with the largest difference. Boys scored higher than girls in all other social and emotional skills, with the top three skills with the greatest differences being stress resistance, emotional control, and curiosity. The social and emotional skills of the advantaged students were higher than those of the disadvantaged group. There is no significant difference in social and emotional skills between general secondary school students and vocational secondary school students. In the 15-year-old group, private school students were slightly higher than public school students in engaging with the others and open-mindedness, while the results were reversed in other skills. Optimism was by far the skill most closely related to health behaviors, body image, life satisfaction, satisfaction with relationships, and current psychological well-being. Emotional control and stress resistance were most closely related to students’ test and class anxiety. Task performance, especially achievement motivation and perseverance, as well as curiosity were strongly associated with better student performance in Chinese, Math, and Arts. Notably, 15-year-old girls benefited more than boys from social and emotional skills, while 10-year-old boys benefited more than girls from social and emotional skills. The relationships between body image, health behaviors, satisfaction with relationships, current psychological well-being, and most of the skills were stronger for advantaged than that for disadvantaged students. Advantaged students tended to participate in more career development activities than disadvantaged students. Students with higher social and emotional skills, especially those with higher levels of creativity and curiosity, engaged in more career development activities. Girls and advantaged pupils tend to be more ambitious about their future education and careers than boys and disadvantaged pupils. Students with high levels of open-mindedness and task performance have higher future educational aspirations and career ambitions.

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    The Historical Background, Challenges and Choices for Building a Strong Education Power in a Century of Change
    Nanping Yu, Hao Huang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (6): 9-19.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.002
    Abstract705)   HTML23)    PDF(pc) (755KB)(922)       Save

    The present time is in a situation of great change unprecedented in a century. From a macro perspective, the world is entering a period of political and economic reshaping. Education is crucial to raising the level of productivity and pushing human civilization out of the productivity stagnation period. The current process of reverse globalization has triggered the outbreak of deep-rooted global conflicts. At the same time, disruptive technologies and industrial changes are deconstructing and reshaping the global industrial chain and value chain while accelerating the reshaping of the new global political and economic landscape. Under the background of entangled and superimposed influences of political intervention and technological power, China will mainly face the influences and challenges of “graded decoupling” of education from the U.S. and the West, subversive technological barriers, and reshaping of the AI ecosystem in the process of constructing a strong educational power. Only with the inherent requirements of Chinese-style modernization and the goal of building a community of human destiny can China build and realize a strong education power in the revolution of education paradigm and education “self-creation”.

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    Some Fundamental Issues on Educational Great Power
    Zheng Ke
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (9): 1-12.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.09.001
    Abstract695)   HTML57)    PDF(pc) (682KB)(558)       Save

    Regarding the educational great power, there remain several fundamental and underlying issues open to discussion and debate. The first fundamental question is: What does it mean by an educational great power? The essence of this term lies in making a nation powerful by education. Educational great power is the great power by education, not the great power in education. The second fundamental question is: What qualifies an educational great power? The countries that perform better in addressing commanding challenges in education can be considered as educational great power. The third fundamental question is: How does education make a nation more powerful? All nations aspiring to become major powers need education to strengthen the country in three key areas: first, by consolidating and expanding the nation's ideological advantages; second, by providing high-quality talent for industries to compete internationally; and third, by supporting high-level technological self-reliance and strength. The fourth fundamental question is: How can an educationally powerful nation be realized? There are three strategic tasks for building an educationally powerful nation. First, identify the key elements that determine whether a country can truly become an educationally powerful nation and address them as the main battlefield. Second, seize the historical opportunity of the intelligent society and open new tracks for intelligent education. Third, reduce obstacles on the path to building an educationally powerful nation by removing bottlenecks.

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    Does the “Double Reduction” Policy Affect Parents’ Willingness to Have More Children: A Survey Based on 29 Provinces Across China
    Xiangmei Chen, Bentao Ning
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (6): 75-85.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.007
    Abstract668)   HTML63)    PDF(pc) (1058KB)(818)       Save

    Family fertility willingness is related to the long-term balanced development of the population. Our country faces a risk of low fertility, and the phenomenon of low fertility has become the norm. Most studies focus on the impact of fertility policies on the population and ignore the influence of education policies. Based on a survey of 10,341 primary and secondary school parents in 29 provinces (cities, districts) across the country, the research used the propensity score matching method empirically to test the impact of the “Double Reduction” policy influence on parents’ willingness to have more children and its influencing mechanism. The results found that increasing parents’ recognition of the “Double Reduction” policy in primary and secondary schools can significantly increase parents willingness to have more children. Parents who endorse the “Double Reduction” policy have a higher effect on their willingness to have more children, with an average of 14.6% higher. This result shows that the positive externalities of the “Double Reduction” policy have spilled over to the field of population, and the policy has a positive impact on family reproduction plans. Family education expenditure and educational anxiety mediate the role between parents’ recognition of the policy and parents’ willingness to have more children. Therefore, parents in primary and secondary schools should further improve their awareness of the policy, continue to increase the implementation of the policy, strengthen policy supporting governance, implement multi-level policies in the fields of education and population and fertility, and comprehensively and effectively improve the national rejuvenation fertility desire.

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    How School Education Contributes to the Social and Emotional Development of Students: A Study Based on Cluster Analysis
    Jing Zhang, Jie Zheng, Haili Cui, Lijun Zhang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (5): 72-82.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.05.004
    Abstract656)   HTML55)    PDF(pc) (853KB)(766)       Save

    This study focuses on five key school influencing factors perceived by students: student-classmate relationship, student-teacher relationship, teacher feedback, extra-curricular activities, and sense of belonging at school, and investigates how they collectively impact the social and emotional skills development of students. Utilizing data from the OECD's SSES2023 China survey, which includes a total of 7,648 students aged 10 and 15, we conducted a cluster analysis with the aforementioned five influencing factors as variables. By employing variance analysis and post-hoc tests, we uncovered differences in social and emotional competencies among student groups categorized by these factors. The study identifies five student clusters based on the perceived five school variables: School Satisfaction Group (students scoring high on all five school influencing factors), Social Advantage Group (students scoring high on student-classmate relationship, student-teacher relationship, and student-classmate relationship, student-teacher relationship), Diverse Interest Group (students scoring highest on extra-curricular activities), Feedback Proficient Group (students scoring high on teacher feedback), and School Support Group (students scoring lowest on all five school influencing factors). Among these, students in the School Satisfaction Group demonstrate the most outstanding performance in social and emotional skills, while the School Support Group exhibits the weakest performance. Furthermore, the Social Advantage Group, Diverse Interest Group, and Feedback Proficient Group show variations across different age groups and skill levels. This study not only provides robust data support for schools to conduct social and emotional skills but also offers empirical evidence for understanding the comprehensive influence of school factors on students' social and emotional skills development. It is of significant importance for guiding schools to formulate targeted teaching strategies and intervention measures, thus promoting students’ comprehensive and healthy development.

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    Directions of Education in the World
    Yong Zhao, Chun Lai, Ruojun Zhong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (7): 1-14.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.07.001
    Abstract530)   HTML80)    PDF(pc) (999KB)(534)       Save

    In the past few decades, we have witnessed exponential increase in educational investment and reform efforts. However, education has seen a decline or regression in quality globally. This paper aims to reveal the reasons behind this paradox and envision the future of education. We argue that the standard curriculum and assessment, the uniform progression, and the selection focus that characterize the current education system is shaped by the sociocultural circumstances of the Industrial Age when modern education was born. This education system constrains students’ growth, hampers education quality, and leads to educational inequalities. This system fails to produce the type of talents needed in the new era that is characterized by the rapid advancement of knowledge, the fast development of AI, and the increasing demand for entrepreneurship, thereby constraining human’s flexibility in thriving in the current and future uncertainties. We hence advocate three key cornerstones of future education: personalizable learning, learning that centers around problem finding and solving, and learning supported by global campus.

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    Cultural Capital and Educational Attainment: Exploration and Innovation in China’s Context
    Xiulan Yu
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (6): 20-37.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.003
    Abstract523)   HTML21)    PDF(pc) (979KB)(1318)       Save

    With regard to the study of cultural capital and educational attainment in China’s context, scholars have not only verified Bourdieu’s theory, but also expanded it due to the inadequacy of the theory being too “French” and “static”. Scholars have explored concepts such as “underclass cultural capital”, and added new indicators to the specific measurement of the concept of cultural capital. They have verified the effect of cultural capital, especially explored the context factors that regulate the influence of cultural capital on education attainment, such as social context, exam-oriented education system, cultural traditions, and changes of times. As for the mechanism of cultural capital affecting education attainment, they have found the mechanism of cultural identification in addition to the exclusion of highbrow culture. The problems in the existing research are mainly reflected in the confusion in the measurement of the concept of cultural capital, the rigid application of cultural capital theory and the lack of innovative research based on the local situation in China. In the future, we need to further define the boundary of the concept of cultural capital and find out the characteristics and mechanisms of cultural capital in China’s context and in the changing times.

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    The Impact of Family Socioeconomic Status on Students’ Social and Emotional Skills: The Serial Mediation Role of Growth Mindset and Test and Class Anxiety
    Zhi Liu, Jia Li, Chenxi Liang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (5): 83-98.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.05.005
    Abstract511)   HTML51)    PDF(pc) (1097KB)(1204)       Save

    Based on the data from the OECD Survey on Social and Emotional Skills conducted in Jinan in 2023, this study focuses on the impact of family socioeconomic status on students’ social and emotional skills. It explores the mediating mechanisms through which growth mindset and test and class anxiety influence this relationship. The findings indicate that: (1) both family socioeconomic status and growth mindset have a significant positive effect on students’ social and emotional skills, while test and class anxiety has a significant negative effect; (2) growth mindset plays a significant positive mediating role, meaning that family socioeconomic status positively promotes students’ social and emotional skills through the mediation of growth mindset; (3) test and class anxiety, as a mediator, shows a significant negative mediating effect, suggesting that family socioeconomic status can adversely affect students’ social and emotional skills through the mediation of test and class anxiety; (4) the study further reveals a significant positive serial mediation effect between growth mindset and test and class anxiety, indicating that family socioeconomic status affects students’ growth mindset, which in turn regulates their level of test and class anxiety, ultimately exerting a comprehensive impact on their social and emotional skills. Based on empirical discussions, this study proposes three suggestions for enhancing the development of student’s social and emotional skills. Firstly, schools should provide more resources and platforms to support students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Secondly, establish a path mechanism for cultivating growth mindset with schools as the main battlefield system. Thirdly, promote collaboration between home and school to address the issue of test and class anxiety among adolescents jointly.

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    Research on Teachers’ Emotion Regulation: The Shift from Individual Orientation to Interpersonal Orientation
    Wenlan Wang, Wenyan Jiang, Hongbiao Yin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (7): 77-88.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.07.007
    Abstract432)   HTML28)    PDF(pc) (771KB)(1302)       Save

    Interpersonal interactions are the foundation and center of teachers’ work. Therefore, educational activities are full of the flow of emotions, and emotions permeate and pervade teachers’ daily work. Due to its multi-disciplinary nature, the research on teachers’ emotion regulation has evolved three typical approaches, namely, emotion regulation, emotional labor, and emotional management. However, these three approaches demonstrate a notable individualistic inclination, and lack the adequate attention to the interpersonal characteristics and dynamic processes of emotion regulation. In the past decade, the international literature on emotion regulation has emerged a shift from an individual orientation to an interpersonal orientation. Gradually, the interpersonal-oriented emotion regulation research has experienced the stages of germination and formation. The emerging field of interpersonal emotion regulation has developed some theoretical models and measurement tools that have been applied in various disciplines. It is valuable for the researchers to further strengthen the interpersonal-oriented teacher emotion regulation research because of the interpersonal characteristics of teachers’ work and the recent perspective shift in emotion regulation research. In future, when applying and adjusting the cutting-edge theories to educational research, researchers who are interested in teachers’ emotion regulation need to pay enough attention to the issues of cultural differences and contextual adaptations.

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    The Technical Report on the 2nd Round OECD Survey of Social and Emotional Skills of Chinese Adolescence
    Zhifang Shao, Yipeng Tang, Jing Zhang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (5): 58-71.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.05.003
    Abstract417)   HTML35)    PDF(pc) (1413KB)(928)       Save

    Based on data from the 2023 Survey on Social and Emotional Skills (SSES) in Jinan, China, this technical report analyzes the psychometric characteristics of the second round of assessment tools under Chinese culture. The report presents a brief introduction of the development and implementation process of the student questionnaire, the subscales of the social and emotional skills, the main components of the questionnaire, the main content of the data set, and the analysis of data quality. The results showed that the students in Jinan had a positive attitude towards the Survey, with high participation rate and valid response rate. However, the frequency distributions of younger cohort showed a tall right tail. The coefficients ω’s and α’s represented that most of the subscales had good reliability. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed the validity (fitness) of each subscale of social and emotional skills were satisfactory. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis showed that the cross-gender measure invariance of these subscales was better than that of cross-cohorts, so the data of these subscales should be used with caution when examining the age-differences among adolescence.

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    An Empirical Study on the Evaluation of College Entrance Examination System by Different Stakeholders
    Haifeng Liu, Huafeng Wei
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (3): 1-11.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.03.001
    Abstract403)   HTML62)    PDF(pc) (909KB)(377)       Save

    Based on the valid data of 83,694 questionnaires on the reform of college entrance examination, the study examines the evaluation of the national college entrance examination system by high school students, college students, high school teachers, college teachers, parents, and social stakeholders. Through word frequency analysis, “fairness”, “high competition” and “pressure” are the most extensive and prominent evaluation of the college entrance examination system. Through the analysis of entropy value, the evaluation of the college entrance examination system is different among different stakeholders, showing different interests. Cluster analysis further verifies and deepens the conclusions of word frequency analysis and entropy analysis. In view of this, maintaining the fairness of the college entrance examination is still the most important prerequisite for the reform of the college entrance examination, and we should consider the interests of all stakeholders when promoting the reform of the college entrance examination, the policy evaluation of college entrance examination reform should be extended appropriately.

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    Why Conceptual Research is Important: Building the Conceptual Cornerstone for the Construction and Development of Pedagogy
    Zhengtao Li
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (8): 1-8.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.08.001
    Abstract394)   HTML36)    PDF(pc) (571KB)(470)       Save

    The reason why conceptual research is important is that it leads to “theory”. The importance of conceptual research comes from the importance of concepts. Concepts are the foundation or cornerstone of basic research, and the evolution of concepts is the driving force of disciplinary development. Besides, concepts conceal premise assumptions, reflect ways of thinking, and contain diverse and complex relationships. To better promote conceptual research, it is necessary to pay more attention to thinking patterns, emerging or interdisciplinary fields, integration and transformation, contribution ability, and conceptual misunderstandings.

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    Research on the Adaptability Model of Senior High School Teachers under the Background of New College Entrance Examination: From the Perspective of Personal-environmental Fit Theory
    Muzhou Li, Sixin Zeng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (3): 26-37.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.03.003
    Abstract376)   HTML38)    PDF(pc) (796KB)(994)       Save

    With the all-round progress of the new college entrance examination reform, senior high school teachers, as the practitioners of the new reform, are facing new problems and challenges in education and teaching, and the adaptive development of high school teachers has become a key factor for the effectiveness of the new reform. Based on the theory of personal-environment fit, this paper constructs an analysis model of teachers’ adaptability. The results show that high school teachers have a high overall evaluation of teachers’ adaptability development under the new college entrance examination. High school teachers of different genders, schools, degrees, professional titles and subjects have significant differences in their cognition of teachers’ adaptive development under the new college entrance examination. Stress adaptation has become the key factor to affect the adaptive development of high school teachers, and there is a positive and weak correlation between stress adaptation→knowledge adaptation, stress adaptation→organizational adaptation. Under the background of the new reform, we should promote the adaptive development of high school teachers, set up the idea of life-long learning, and enhance the knowledge adaptation of high school teachers. Also, it's important to optimize the teacher evaluation mechanism, enhance the pressure adaptability of high school teachers, strengthen digital technology to empower and enhance the organizational adaptability of high school teachers. We should attach importance to college entrance examination reform and enhance the goal adaptability of high school teachers.

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    Student Social and Emotional Competence: International Comparison and Chinese Performance
    Zhongjing Huang, Yipeng Tang, Juan Wang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (5): 33-57.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.05.002
    Abstract366)   HTML43)    PDF(pc) (2428KB)(737)       Save

    The OECD recently released the results of its second round of global assessments of social and emotional competence, and Jinan's performance is noteworthy. Based on the student data of SSES2023, this paper analyzes China's performance in social and emotional competence and its international status from the perspective of international comparison. The main findings of the study based on the mean competency analysis of global cities are as follows: (1) Asian students excel in social and emotional abilities. (2) The 10-year-olds in Jinan ranked first in the world in the dimension of task performance ability, and the 15-year-olds ranked first, but the score of achievement motivation was slightly lower. (3) The 10-year-olds in Jinan ranked first in the world in the dimension of emotion regulation, while the 15-year-olds’ abilities were lower than the international average; (4) The 10-year-old group of Jinan students ranked first in the world in terms of cooperation ability, and the 15-year-old group ranked first. (5) The task performance of students aged 10 in Jinan ranks the top in the world in the dimension of openness ability, while that of students aged 15 is lower than the international average. (6) Students aged 10 in Jinan ranked first in the world in terms of social communication ability, while some abilities of students aged 15 were lower than the international average. Based on the analysis of influencing factors of social and emotional ability, the main findings are as follows: (1) Jinan students are better than the international average in most influencing factors, especially in the classmate relationship. (2) The key positive factors affecting the dimensions of task ability of Jinan students are growth mindset, teacher-student relationship, school belonging and community activities, among which the influence of school belonging ranks first in the world. (3) The key factors affecting the emotional regulation ability of Jinan students are growth mindset, school belonging and community activities, among which the influence of school belonging ranks first in the world. (4) The key factors affecting the cooperation ability of Jinan students are growth mindset, classmate relationship, school belonging and community activities, among which the impact of growth thinking ranks first in the world. (5) The key factors affecting Jinan students’ openness ability are growth mindset, school belonging, community activities and teacher feedback. The effect of school belonging of the 10-year-old group on some openness ability ranks first in the world, while the effect of growth mindset on some openness ability of the 15-year-old group is relatively low. (6) The key factors affecting students’ communication ability in Jinan are growth mindset, school belonging and community activities, among which the influence of school belonging is at the forefront in all cities. The main findings based on the analysis of students’ development based on social and emotional ability are as follows: (1) The life satisfaction of students in Jinan ranks first in the world, and their psychological happiness is low. (2) Optimism, trust, achievement motivation and stress resistance are the important social and emotional abilities that affect the life satisfaction of Jinan students. (3) Optimism, trust and emotional control are the important social and emotional abilities that affect the psychological well-being of Jinan students. (4) Optimism and energy are the important social and emotional abilities that affect the health behavior of Jinan students. (5) Emotional control, stress resistance and energy are the important social and emotional abilities that affect academic anxiety of Jinan students. (6) Optimism, trust and achievement motivation are the important social and emotional abilities that affect the relationship satisfaction of Jinan students. (7) Optimism, stress resistance and assertiveness are important social and emotional abilities that affect the body image of Jinan students.

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    Does Parental Educational Attainment Affect Relative Poverty of Offspring: An Analysis Based on the 2010-2018 Chinese Household Tracking Survey
    Hongxia Zhao, Yue Zhang, Xiudian Yao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (7): 28-41.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.07.003
    Abstract360)   HTML39)    PDF(pc) (2214KB)(573)       Save

    Exploring the pathway to achieve poverty reduction through education is crucial in the post-poverty era. This study aims to investigate the impact and mechanisms of parental education on the relative poverty of their offspring from the perspective of group differences. The goal is to provide insights and theoretical guidance for poverty reduction through education in the new era. Based on data from the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS), an analysis of variables such as parental education, family size, and relative poverty in 1,143 paired households reveals the following results. First, both the educational level of fathers and mothers affect the relative poverty of their offspring and exhibit longitudinal stability. The higher the parental education level, the less likely their descendants are to fall into relative poverty. Second, looking at the longitudinal development trends, the educational level of fathers and mothers directly impacts the initial level of relative poverty. It then indirectly influences relative poverty rates through the initial level of family size. Third, the educational level of mothers directly affects the initial level of relative poverty and indirectly influences relative poverty rates through the initial level of family size. Last, higher levels of parental education enable better control over family size, reducing the likelihood of their children’s families falling into relative poverty. In summary, education has a significant intergenerational effect on poverty reduction. Efforts should be made to strengthen the long-term role of education in poverty governance in the post-poverty era.

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    The Identity Construction of Teachers Transition from Unprofessionally Trained Backgrounds: An Analysis Based on Grounded Theory
    Shouxin Zhu, Tianjun Cheng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (10): 69-82.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.10.007
    Abstract358)   HTML24)    PDF(pc) (946KB)(421)       Save

    After the reform of teachers’ qualification system, a large number of unprofessionally trained teachers (UTTs) have obtained qualifications through taking exams, becoming an important component of China’s teacher workforce. Due to the lack of specialized teacher education and training, transition to teachers means UTTs need to go through a more complex process of identity construction. This study focuses on the identity construction process of UTTs under the background of “career transition”. Through in-depth interviews with 32 UTTs, a conceptual model was constructed by using grounded theory methods. It has shown that the identity crisis of UTTs stems from the disruption of identical continuity—between pre-established identity and perceived identity after transition. The identity construction process of UTTs involves a negative identity cycle of “self negation-self reinforcement”, forming a unique interaction back and forth, which actually is a protective self presentation for identity exploration and negotiation. Work reshaping is crucial for UTTs to complete their career transition, and it is also the main way to construct their teacher identity. UTTs’ understanding and confirmation of teacher identity is typically work-centered, and tend to associate themselves with schools as purely “workers”.

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    Science Education Research in China: Historical Evolution, Logic of Development, and Future Prospects
    Yonghe Zheng, Xuanyang Yang, Dan Tao, Jie Yang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (11): 95-110.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.006
    Abstract347)   HTML24)    PDF(pc) (968KB)(749)       Save

    The construction of a high-quality science education system is a fundamental project to promote the integrated deployment of education, science and technology, and human resources. However, the high-quality development of science education cannot be achieved without the support of solid science education research. Referring to the key policies and critical events in science education, China's science education has gone through four development periods, namely “recovery and adjustment”, “rapid development”, “innovation and exploration” and “systematic construction”. Through constructing a three-dimensional analytic framework of “policy-research-social infrastructure”, this study systematically analyzes the research progress of science education in China at different stages of development. Drawing upon these findings, this study summarizes the logic of development in China's science education research, in terms of the development impetus, basic guarantee as well as the model of knowledge production. Finally, this study puts forward five suggestions for the future of science education research in China, including constructing a funding system for science education, focusing on key scientific research questions, forming an interdisciplinary research community, conducting multiple types of empirical research and coordinating policies and practices with multiple stakeholders.

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    Innovative Methods as an Intrinsic Requirement for Constructing an Autonomous Knowledge System in Education
    Zhenguo Yuan, Chen Xie, Sudong Pan, Shaohui Chi, Na Yu, Siyu Chen
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (11): 1-11.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.001
    Abstract332)   HTML37)    PDF(pc) (791KB)(419)       Save

    The growth and accumulation of autonomous knowledge are the foundation for constructing an autonomous knowledge system. The history of scientific development demonstrates that the revelation of the laws of motion in various forms, whether physical, chemical, biological, or social, is inseparable from innovations in research methods. Empirical research plays a key role in this process, and to a certain extent, method innovation equates to the innovation of empirical research methods. Compared to natural sciences and other social sciences, the growth of knowledge in education sciences is relatively slow and the accumulation of knowledge is inadequate. A core reason for this is the insufficiency of empirical research and methodological innovation. Currently, we have entered the digital age and a new stage of high-quality educational development, facing a series of significant theoretical and practical educational issues. Addressing the challenge of inadequate autonomous knowledge through methodological innovation is an intrinsic requirement for constructing an autonomous knowledge system in education.

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    Skills Development for the World: Youth, Education and Employment
    Yan Chen, Jiaqian Wang, Xiaomin Zheng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (4): 39-50.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.04.004
    Abstract330)   HTML26)    PDF(pc) (700KB)(580)       Save

    Globally, scientific and technological progress has triggered industrial change, which has intensified the demand for highly skilled talents in the labor market. At the same time, with the popularization of higher education, the privilege of diplomas in the labor market has gradually faded, and countries have begun to explore the talent training model of “education+skills”. Skilled society, as a new social form, has attracted widespread attention. However, as a new force in the labor market, many young people face challenges in skills mastery, skills adaptation and skills use, and youth unemployment at home and abroad is a serious problem, which reflects the dislocation and imbalance between the supply of skills in the education system and the demand for skills in the job market. Under the trend of globalization, technological change and educational transformation, the optimization of the skills system has become an international affair, which needs to be strategically laid out from a global perspective, following a dual logic orientation, focusing on lifelong skills formation, but also considering the cooperation of countries in skills certification, skills governance and skills monitoring, and formulating an action framework for global skills development under both vertical and horizontal logics.

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