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    Exploring the Impact of ChatGPT/AIGC on Education and Strategies for Response
    Zongkai Yang, Jun Wang, Di Wu, Xu Chen
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (7): 26-35.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.07.003
    Abstract8743)   HTML910)    PDF(pc) (699KB)(8234)       Save

    ChatGPT, as a representative of AIGC, has a significant impact on education. It empowers teaching by shifting the teaching model from “teacher-student” to “teacher-computer-student”, promoting the shift of teaching content from manual production to intelligent production, and catalyzing the assessment model of “knowledge + literacy”. ChatGPT also empowers learning by promoting the ubiquitization of learning space, meeting the personalized needs for full coverage of the learning process, and forming a human-computer collaborative learning mode. Additionally, ChatGPT empowers education by promoting higher-order ability cultivation and comprehensive literacy cultivation, and innovating the education model of discipline integration. To cope with the impact caused by ChatGPT, we must pay full attention, think calmly, and respond positively. This requires us to accelerate the development of high-level competing products with localized characteristics and to thoroughly study the laws of intelligent pedagogy with human-computer synergy. It also involves handling the important relationships between change and invariance, equity and efficiency in education, and the specialization and universality of technology. Besides, it's important to correctly grasp the direction and development of integration of AI technology and education, and lead the transformation of education system structure and operation mechanism.

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    ChatGPT/AIGC and Educational Innovation: Opportunities, Challenges, and the Future
    Yongxin Zhu, Fan Yang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (7): 1-14.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.07.001
    Abstract5179)   HTML600)    PDF(pc) (805KB)(7756)       Save

    A text-based artificial intelligence application called ChatGPT has sparked attention from all walks of life upon its launch, and its demonstrated value of educational innovation has been hotly debated in particular. Thanks to its advanced algorithms, powerful computing capabilities and massive data base, ChatGPT can learn on its own when interacting with users, thus intelligently providing Q&A, translation, writing and other services. In addition, the newly-released upgraded version of ChatGPT—GPT-4 can also better solve real-time problems, reason logically and write creatively. In the field of education, ChatGPT can be used as a teaching tool, answer professional academic questions, build autonomous learning platforms, save human resources costs, and reconstruct school education structures, providing many development opportunities for educational innovation. However, it also brings some risks and challenges, impacting the role of teachers, the goals of talent cultivation, the traditional school order, and exposes typical issues such as technological dependence, academic misconduct, and intelligent discrimination. Currently, technological renovation is pressing educational innovation step by step, which requires us to approach new technologies positively and cautiously, achieving self-reliance and strength in intelligent technology by strengthening organized scientific research, building a national digital security barrier through revising relevant laws, enhancing application service transparency by clarifying digital education standards, and transforming talent cultivation concepts to form flexible thinking in education evaluation. Based on all this, we must make every effort to create a new form of human civilization in the process of moving towards human-machine co-teaching.

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    Educational Neuroscience: Constructing the Connection between Mind, Brain and Education
    Zhou Jiaxian
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2013, 31 (2): 42-48.  
    Abstract2261)   HTML1472)    PDF(pc) (902KB)(7170)       Save
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    The Psychological Factors and Treatment of School Bullying
    SUN Shijin, SHI Zeyi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2017, 35 (2): 51-56+119.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.02.006
    Abstract630)   HTML1317)    PDF(pc) (532KB)(6408)       Save
    School bullying occurs both in China and other countries. The pernicious influence of school bullying is gaining more public concern these years. In fact, it is a global phenomenon. After reviewing literature from China and abroad, we discuss the psychological characteristics of bullies and victims as well as the influence of social environment. Treatment methods are presented in the last section. First, the concept of school bullying is defined. School bullying is the kind of intentional, repetitive aggressive behavior that occurs at schools among students who own power differentials. School bullying includes physical, verbal, relational, cyber attack behavior which always influences victims' mental and physical health. Victims and bullies are the main participants of school bullying. As far as bullies are concerned, their aggressive behaviors are related to physiological factors such as age and gender as well as social factors such as their craving for high social status. Bullies should not be regarded blindly as evil because they are actually victims of their family or social environment. Also, their aggressive behaviors may have historical background and causes. Only after ruminating on their aggressive behaviors can we cope with the problem. In addition, the risk factors of victims such as being out of the ordinary, being solitary and being rejected are stated. However, the bullies are attracted to the psychological weakness implicitly presented by the victims. Only after the self-esteem of victim is enhanced can the occurrence of bullying be restrained. Moreover, according to Society Ecosystems Theory, environment such as family, school and society play important role in school bullying and have mutual effect. This article suggests that it is necessary to create a liberal, equal, supportive, and intimate environment. Finally, the paper discusses treatment methods of school bullying. The growing public awareness of school bullying does not necessarily mean the decreasing incidence of it. And school bullying intervention should be problem-based adopting interdisciplinary approaches. For example, legal researchers should set a bottom line of attacking behavior in order to prevent extreme malignance and produce warning effects. Educational researchers should refer to school intervention approaches from China and abroad, such as creating a positive school climate at the school level, carrying out anti-bullying program at the classroom level or providing counseling at the individual level. A fair, liberal, harmonious, supportive and safe environment is mentioned. Furthermore, we suggest that a good intervention program in place will make bullies unwilling to, unable to, and not daring to bully. Setting bottom line of the law makes bullies unable to do so. Behavioral control at schools prevents bullies from daring to do so. Psychological counseling or other psychological methods make bullies unwilling to do so by improving themselves inherently. Lastly, we point out that the connotation and extension of school bullying should be strictly defined and school bullying should not be intervened unlimitedly because conflicts can improve one's interpersonal skills in some way.
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    The Concept, Measurement, Influencing Factors and Effects of Psychological Capital
    XIONG Meng,YE Yi-duo
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2014, 32 (3): 84-92.  
    Abstract1333)   HTML1030)    PDF(pc) (507KB)(6284)       Save
    The concept of Psychological capital (PsyCap) is identified as a kind of positive psychological trait for individual development. The study on PsyCap has significant implication for enhancing individual and organizational competitive advantage. During the past decade, there are rich literature on the concept and theory, structure and measurement, impact factors, effects and intervention. A great deal of empirical work of antecedents, consequences and intervention of psychological capital had been systematically reviewed. The development trends in the field include the development of inclusion criteria of different populations‘ PsyCap, the exploration of integration mechanism with antecedents and outcome variables, the strengthening of longitudinal and intervention research, the study of adolescent and special groups, as well as localized and crosscultural research.
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    Determining Sample Size in Qualitative Research: Saturation, its Conceptualization, Operationalization and Relevant Debates
    Ailei Xie, Jiayi Chen
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2021, 39 (12): 15-27.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.12.002
    Abstract3105)   HTML501)    PDF(pc) (899KB)(5840)       Save

    Saturation has become an important criterion to judge the quality of qualitative research and explain the rationality of sample size. This paper systematically and critically reviews the literature and introduces three types of saturation: theoretical saturation, thematical saturation and data saturation and points out that researchers should consider their own overall research design to decide which model to adopt. The paper also introduces three ways to record the process of saturation. Among them, the structural coding book is more suitable for recording deductive thematical saturation and data saturation. There are two types of saturation tables which are more suitable for recording a prior thematical saturation. The conceptual depth scale is particularly suitable for recording theoretical saturation. This paper points out that saturation is a process rather than an event. Quality rather than quantity is the key to understand saturation. Saturation itself should be a concrete methodology practice. Researchers should pay attention to the concept of saturation and make a clear statement of the process of achieving saturation, which can help to improve the standardization, transparency, quality and recognition of qualitative research.

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    The Concept and Essence of Core Competency
    CHU Hong-Qi, CUI Yun-Huo, XIN Tao, ZHANG Hua, SHI ou, YU Wen-Sen
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2016, 34 (1): 1-13.  
    Abstract1121)   HTML1055)    PDF(pc) (1846KB)(5782)       Save
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    Artificial Intelligence Curriculum Guidelines for Primary and Secondary Schools
    Jiang Bo Penner:, Dai Juan Core Members:, Zhou Aimin , Dong Xiaoyong , Liu Xiaoyu , Hong Daocheng Participants:, Jiang Fei , Zheng Longwei , Zhao Jiabao , Zhang Hengyuan , Liu Yalin , Yuan Zhenguo Consultant:
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (3): 121-134.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.03.013
    Abstract4909)   HTML290)    PDF(pc) (728KB)(5752)       Save

    Artificial intelligence (AI) education in primary and secondary schools has just started in China. Lack of unified curriculum standards, we still face many difficulties in the curriculum nature and objectives, textbooks development, and academic evaluation. To address this issue, East China Normal University and Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory jointly developed the Artificial Intelligence Curriculum Guidelines for Primary and Secondary Schools. The proposed guidelines has six parts including course nature and basic concept, core competency and curriculum objectives, course structure, course content and requirements, academic evaluation standards and implementation suggestions. We aim to construct a scientific and open curriculum guidelines for AI education in primary and secondary schools and simultaneously provide a reference for the construction of an AI education system in China.

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    The Impact and Psychic Mechanism of Media Violence on Children and their Aggressive Behavior
    XING Shu-Fen,WANG Dan-Yang,LIN Chong-De
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 71-78.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.010
    Abstract696)   HTML1094)    PDF(pc) (548KB)(5670)       Save
    With the prevalence of new medium and violent games, the relationship between media violence and aggressive behavior has become a research focus again. However, controversy still exists regarding the causal relationship between media violence and aggressive behavior, including two opposite theoretical models: General Aggressive Model and Catalyst Model. According to the General Aggressive Model, the effects of media violence on aggressive behavior involve short-term and long-term effect, with different psychic mechanisms. However, such factors as children’s personality, initial aggressive level, their recognition of the role and characteristics of the game will play a regulatory role. In this regard, future studies will be conducted using new paradigms and techniques, in order to reach a relatively consistent conclusion.
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    Music, Mind and the Brain
    Zhang Weidong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2014, 32 (1): 89-96.  
    Abstract1401)   HTML1223)    PDF(pc) (492KB)(5585)       Save
    Music plays an important role both in one’s life and in a society and therefore attracts psychologists and neuroscientists to explore intensively and extensively the psychological mechanisms and neural basis of human musical mind. This paper reviewed the major research advances and results in the areas of cognitive processing and emotional experience of music, the individual differences in responding to and enjoying music, and the implications of psychological and neuro-scientific research on music. The concluding remarks addressed the key issues in current studies as well as directions for future research in the area of music, mind and brain.
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    On the Cause of the Late Qing Government’s Choice of Meiji Japan’s Educational System
    HE Xiao-Zhou
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2012, 30 (4): 69-74.  
    Abstract4856)   HTML2010)    PDF(pc) (867KB)(5432)       Save
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    Research Report on Employment Trends of Chinese College Graduates: Based on 2003—2021 Survey Data
    Changjun Yue, Qinxue Feng, Xiaojia Xin, Wenqi Qiu
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (9): 138-154.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.09.010
    Abstract11504)   HTML1090)    PDF(pc) (853KB)(5413)       Save

    Based on ten national survey data sets on Chinese college graduates’ employment status from 2003 to 2021, this paper conducts empirical analysis on employment characteristics and trend of Chinese college graduates. The main conclusions are as follows. First, from the perspective of graduation destination, the proportion of formal employment has reached a new low level, while the proportion of further education continues to rise. The placement rate has declined, and the unemployment rate has rebounded. The placement rates of graduates with different educational levels tends to converge. Second, from the perspective of employment quality, the higher the graduates’ education level, the higher the starting salary and the faster the salary grows. There is a L-shaped downward trend in relative starting salary. Nearly 50% of graduates have lower starting salaries than expected. Employment satisfaction is on a fluctuating upward trend. Third, from the perspective of employment structure, the employment proportion in large and medium-sized cities exceeds 80%. The employment proportion of private enterprises has jumped to first place. The employment proportion of enterprises increases at the beginning and then decreases, which exceeds 50%. Career types shift from homogenization towards diversification, then back to homogenization. The education industry has become the preferred choice for graduates. Fourth, from the perspective of employment matching, the proportion of education-job match first decreases and then increases, exceeding 70%. The proportion of major-job mismatch is about 40%. Fifth, from the perspective of job-searching status, schools are the main source of job-searching information. The number of job applications has not gradually increased over time, and some graduates have obtained job opportunities but do not accept. Expenses on human relationship, transportation and clothing are the three major job-searching expenses. Ability is the most important factor that affects employment outcomes. Graduates have stable career intentions, attaching importance to prospects and income.

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    Principles, Procedures and Programs of Latent Class Models
    Zhonglin Wen, Jinyan Xie, Huihui Wang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (1): 1-15.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.01.001
    Abstract3435)   HTML320)    PDF(pc) (837KB)(5200)       Save

    The models used in Latent Class Analysis and Latent Profile Analysis are collectively referred to as latent class models, a kind of statistical methods of classifying individuals according to their different response patterns in observation indicators, so as to identify population heterogeneity. It has attracted increasing attention from applied researchers in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, and other social science disciplines. However, it is not easy for most education researchers to understand the existing Chinese literature on the statistical principles and analytical procedures of such models. This paper systematically introduces the basic knowledge, statistical principles, analytical procedures and Mplus programs of latent class models, and clarifies various methods and selection strategies involved in the subsequent analysis of these models. It would help applied researchers enhance their understanding of the principles and methods of the latent class models, and promote the application of these models to educational research.

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    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2017, 35 (4): 15-30.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.04.002
    Abstract222)   HTML182)    PDF(pc) (640KB)(4790)       Save
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    STEAM Education in America: Framework, Characteristic and Implication
    WEI Xiaodong, YU Bing, YU Haibo
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2017, 35 (4): 40-46+134+135.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.04.004
    Abstract1021)   HTML674)    PDF(pc) (1159KB)(4730)       Save
    In recent years, to promote basic education reform, the United States has given high priority to its STEAM education, which has become a national strategy. It's widely accepted that STEAM education helps students to understand the world in an integrated way, to use interdisciplinary thinking to solve practical problems, develop their logical thinking and problem solving skills, and cultivate high quality STEAM talents. With the worldwide spread of STEAM education, it will certainly bring about major changes in basic education. This article looks at the background of STEAM education, analyzes its framework and summarize the characteristics of STEAM education, so as to offer some lessons for the reform of basic education in China.
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    The Rural-urban Differences in Resources Allocation of Basic Education and Its Social Consequence: Base on the Analysis of China's Education Statistics
    WEN Jun, GU Chudan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2017, 35 (2): 33-42+117.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.02.004
    Abstract1283)   HTML122)    PDF(pc) (795KB)(4651)       Save
    Based on the national education statistics of 2003 and 2013, this paper aims to make comparison between China's urban and rural areas in basic education resource allocation, its development and the urban-rural differences. The comparison shows that the rural basic education resources lag behind in faculty, books, and computers. Moreover, the urban-rural gap in pre-school education and high school education is broadening, which has probably become the most hazardous issue in China's basic education. Therefore, only emphasizing on the urban-rural balance in compulsory education won't help address the situation of unequal educational opportunities for rural children.#br#This paper focuses on the potential social consequences caused by such disparity. The"education chain" refers to the complete sequence of education nodes ranging from basic education to higher education and it contributes to the understanding of possible education path choices at individual and family level. In summary, the urban-rural differences in allocating basic education resources can cause at least three consequences as follows:#br#A. Influence on rural students. Compared with urban students, rural students' academic performance is poor and the completion rate of"education chain" is much lower, affected by disproportionate distribution of educational resources.#br#B. Influence on educational equity. The rural-urban disparity in basic education resources centers on the period of high school, which is regarded as the last"opportunity" to transfer from basic education into higher education in the"education chain". Therefore, it is biased to attribute the inferior position of rural students' access to higher education to the inequitable urban-rural higher education. The key factor is the inequitable urban-rural enrolling opportunity in secondary education. The urban-rural inequality of access to senior secondary education from junior secondary school continues to expand, resulting in the decline of opportunities for rural students' admission to college. Its root cause lies in the disparity between rural and urban basic education resources allocation. #br#C. Influence on rural education. Due to the huge urban-rural difference in education resources, individuals and families have to come to realize that the sooner they choose urban education, the more likely they will finish the whole"education chain". As a consequence, they tend to use all sorts of capital reasonably to achieve children's fulfillment of"education chain" in the city, which directly lead to the loss of rural student pool.#br#Although great achievements have been made in China's rural basic education in the past 30 years, the urban-rural difference and its negative effects remain to be the bottleneck of basic education and block the progress of social development. The distribution of urban and rural basic education resources reflects the imbalance between urban and rural interest structure in China's society, and eliminating such negative effects depends on breaking the dual social structure in urban and rural areas.
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    The Definition of School Bullying and its Legal Liability
    REN Haitao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2017, 35 (2): 43-50+118.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.02.005
    Abstract1375)   HTML182)    PDF(pc) (584KB)(4461)       Save
    In April, 2016, the Education Supervision Committee under the State Council, People's Republic of China issued the Circular on Handling School Bullying, aiming to tackle the deliberate or violate insulation and injuries caused by physical, verbal and cyber means among primary and second students nationwide in China. Then in Sep.11th, 2016, China Ministry of Education and other nine departments issued the Guidance of Anti-School Bullying and Violence to prevent the occurrence of school bullying and school violence through educational preventions, legal punishments and the comprehensive resolutions and regulations. #br#At present, school bullying has become a great social and governmental concern. However, there is no shared definition of school bullying and violence though it is highly discussed in the academic community. The difference between school bullying and violence is important for further prevention and discussion. An explicit concept of school bullying is the prerequisite of efficient ways of curbing school bullying and school violence. The concept of school bullying is not the same as that of school violence.#br#In this article, the author argues that the concept of school bullying should be defined narrowly and such bullying phenomenon as out-of-school invasion, teachers as the victims should not be included. The narrow meaning of school bullying is an aggressively, constantly physical or psychological behavior among students or teachers that involves a really mental torture in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and some other places. The characteristic of the narrow meaning of school bullying involve three aspects.#br#First, it occurs in kindergartens, primary and secondly schools and some other reasonable places. Second, the bullies should be related to the victims. As for the kindergarten, primary and secondly school students, the closer one are their teachers and peer buddies. Third, teachers as the victims are not included. Fourth, school bullying has a constant and permanent influence. Fifth, the victims have to suffer from it unwillingly. Sixth, school bullying does harm to the students. Seventh, school bullying includes different actions such as making threats, stealing, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purposes, etc.. #br#Besides, the article discusses the legal liabilities caused by school bullying (the student, the teacher and the administrator as the bully), which include civil liabilities, administrative liabilities and criminal liabilities. In conclusion, the author argues that only by improving the related laws and regulations and defining the liabilities can we prevent and reduce school bullying by law.
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    The Transformation of Teachers’ Work in the Era of ChatGPT/AIGC: Opportunities, Challenges, and Responses
    Huan Song, Min Lin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (7): 78-90.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.07.008
    Abstract2958)   HTML159)    PDF(pc) (1388KB)(4438)       Save

    As the latest breakthrough in artificial intelligence, ChatGPT has attracted widespread attention and discussion in the field of education since its release, requiring an analysis and exploration of its impact on teachers’ work from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Drawing upon the theoretical ideas of Biesta’s “weakness of education” and Dewey’s “philosophy of communicative action”, this paper deeply considers the essence of the integration between ChatGPT and education. According to different ways of thinking about “strong education” and “weak education”, teachers and schools have different degrees of replaceability. Teachers should pay attention to the value orientation of education, grasp the essence of education, seize the opportunities brought by ChatGPT in personalized learning, teacher workload, and teacher self-growth, and actively respond to the challenges brought by ChatGPT in learning objectives, teaching processes and design, and evaluation methods. Starting from the fundamental task of education and “competency-based suyang” education, and focusing on the digital information literacy of educators, this paper proposes new requirements for the structure of teachers’ competency in the new era: the ability to lide shuren (cultivate moral character and educate students), professional ethics in the digital age, the ability to integrate artificial intelligence into teaching, and the ability to update the curriculum, learning, teaching, and evaluation.

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    Analysis of Naturalistic Instruction Strategy—PRT
    HE Huizhong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2013, 31 (4): 46-54.  
    Abstract950)   HTML1012)    PDF(pc) (923KB)(4370)       Save
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    Analysis of 21st Century Competencies and Frameworks
    1SHI Man;2,3LIU Cheng;4LIU Xia;5 ZHOU Pingyan;3 Chris Tan;3、5LIU Jian;6、3 WEI Rui
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2016, 34 (3): 29-37.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2016.03.004
    Abstract794)   HTML825)    PDF(pc) (1379KB)(4242)       Save

    Due to the overlap in their educational goals, international organizations and economies possess both similarities and differences in the selection and framework construction of 21st Century Competencies. This article first presents different frameworks for 21st Century Competencies. For instance, the framework of OECD aims to help its citizens live a successful life and develop wellfunctioning societies; the EU framework is to sharpen citizens’ learning skills and promote lifelong learning; and the US P21 framework is to cultivate creativity and entrepreneurship with a focus on the needs of job market. Frameworks of some Asian economies like Singapore, and Mainland China, emphasize core values and sense of responsibility. Still there are other frameworks focusing on enriching citizens’ daily life and improving the quality of their leisure time, such as Russia’s framework. Then it identifies 18 competencies from 29 frameworks, which are categorized into two groups: subjectspecific and general competencies. Next, the authors offer a comparative analysis of how much attention are paid to the 18 competencies in different frameworks, especially the discrepancy in competency selection between highincome, middleand lowerincome economies. Findings show that competency frameworks are characterized by inclusiveness, comprehensiveness and diversity. Seven competencies have gained attention from most organizations and economies, including competencies of communication and collaboration, information, creativity and problem solving, selfperception and selfcontrol, critical thinking, learning skills and lifelong learning, civic responsibility and social participation. However, competencies like environment, finance, life planning and wellbeing and leadership, which are considered important in future education development, are not incorporated in many frameworks. Moreover, most economies have incorporated competencies like language, mathematics, humanities, sports and health, critical thinking, communication and collaboration, civic responsibility and social participation. Highincome economies pay special attention to several competencies, such as information literacy, creativity and problem solving, crosscultural competence, especially selfperception and selfcontrol. Competencies like science and technology, art, environment, especially learning skills and lifelong learning, have become the focus of the middle and lowerincome groups. In conclusion, based on the analysis above, the article makes some policy suggestions regarding the development of 21st Century Competencies frameworks. Competencies should be developed in line with the times, global trends, regional demands, and local educational goals. The concept of competencies should be precisely interpreted and a systematic network within competencies should also be established. The framework and education practice of 21st century competencies should focus on lifelong learning. In particular, it’s important to pursue some eternal competencies facing the future.

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