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    Research Report on Employment Trends of Chinese College Graduates: Based on 2003—2021 Survey Data
    Changjun Yue, Qinxue Feng, Xiaojia Xin, Wenqi Qiu
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (9): 138-154.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.09.010
    Abstract5195)   HTML390)    PDF (853KB)(2157)      

    Based on ten national survey data sets on Chinese college graduates’ employment status from 2003 to 2021, this paper conducts empirical analysis on employment characteristics and trend of Chinese college graduates. The main conclusions are as follows. First, from the perspective of graduation destination, the proportion of formal employment has reached a new low level, while the proportion of further education continues to rise. The placement rate has declined, and the unemployment rate has rebounded. The placement rates of graduates with different educational levels tends to converge. Second, from the perspective of employment quality, the higher the graduates’ education level, the higher the starting salary and the faster the salary grows. There is a L-shaped downward trend in relative starting salary. Nearly 50% of graduates have lower starting salaries than expected. Employment satisfaction is on a fluctuating upward trend. Third, from the perspective of employment structure, the employment proportion in large and medium-sized cities exceeds 80%. The employment proportion of private enterprises has jumped to first place. The employment proportion of enterprises increases at the beginning and then decreases, which exceeds 50%. Career types shift from homogenization towards diversification, then back to homogenization. The education industry has become the preferred choice for graduates. Fourth, from the perspective of employment matching, the proportion of education-job match first decreases and then increases, exceeding 70%. The proportion of major-job mismatch is about 40%. Fifth, from the perspective of job-searching status, schools are the main source of job-searching information. The number of job applications has not gradually increased over time, and some graduates have obtained job opportunities but do not accept. Expenses on human relationship, transportation and clothing are the three major job-searching expenses. Ability is the most important factor that affects employment outcomes. Graduates have stable career intentions, attaching importance to prospects and income.

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    Education Quality and National (Regional) Income Gap: Construction of the Global Education Quality Index
    Yan Cao, Guoyang Zhang, Xinyue Yao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (10): 66-79.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.10.006
    Abstract249)   HTML19)    PDF (1141KB)(923)      

    The relationship between education development and economic distribution has always been a hot topic in the field of education economics. This study is based on the background of achieving common prosperity, using global education and economic development data from 2000 to 2018 to construct a global education quality index, and based on the index, explores the relationship between education quality and income inequality. The study found that : first, China’s education quality index is at a medium level globally, with the quality of school education operation ranking top, but the competitiveness of the basic education assurance quality index and the quality of secondary and higher education development index is relatively low. The reasons for this are twofold: on the one hand, China’s expansion of higher education came later, making young people the main holders of secondary and higher education degrees. Under the influence of the aging population structure, the proportion of people with secondary and higher education degrees is low, directly lowering China’s index of secondary and higher education development. On the other hand, compared with other countries, China’s public education expenditure ratio is relatively low, coupled with poor completion rate in primary school, which indirectly lowers the quality index of basic education assurance in China. Second, by constructing a two-way fixed effect model to explore the relationship between education quality and national income inequality, it was found that the higher the overall education quality and school education operation quality of a country, the lower the degree of income differentiation, indicating that the improvement of national education quality can to a certain extent promote the realization of common prosperity. Based on the above findings, the study suggests the following: first, consolidate the attainable indicators of basic education, increase the investment in public education funds to meet the minimum targets, and strengthen the guarantee of basic education. Second, continue to leverage the advantage of the quality of school education operation and promote the attainment of graduation standards for secondary school graduates through both academic and vocational tracks in order to improve the whole skill of China’s reserve workforce.

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    What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Competency: Essence, Composition and Evaluation Systems
    Baichang Zhong, Xiaofan Liu, Minghuan Yang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (1): 71-84.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.01.005
    Abstract1144)   HTML59)    PDF (845KB)(857)      

    The ChatGPT has both positive and negative effects on education. The field of education should consider not only how to empower students to meet the challenges posed by AI, but also how to develop students’ competency to adapt to AI. In this paper, we refer to this competency as AI competency, i.e., the core competency of students with both domain specificity and domain generality cultivated through AI education. AI competency is a new competency arising from the development of AI technology. Technology ontology, philosophical epistemology and educational psychology are interconnected to understand the essence and composition of AI competency. From the perspective of technology ontology, this paper analyzes the essence of AI competency-the technicalization of human beings. From the perspective of philosophical epistemology and educational psychology, this paper analyzes the composition of AI competency. Key competency development is essentially a dynamic transformation process of “knowledge and thinking”. Affectivity, as a knowledge-derived emotional experience, not only nourishes the process of knowledge construction and thinking development, but also serves as the foundation and source for acquiring moral conceptions. Thus, the interplay of knowledge, affectivity and thinking underpins the logic of students’ AI competency. In this vein, this paper constructs an evaluation system of AI competency based on three dimensions: AI knowledge, AI affectivity, and AI thinking.

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    Can “Double Reduction” Policy Eliminate the Demand for Academic Private Tutoring: An Empirical Study from the Perspective of Bounded Rationality
    Junyan Liu
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (9): 71-84.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.09.005
    Abstract598)   HTML56)    PDF (1111KB)(706)      

    In July2021, Chinese government issued the “Double Reduction” policy and started to regulate private tutoring very strictly, seeking significant reduction in its scale. Based on a nationwide parents questionnaire survey, this paper reported that parents welcomed most regulative measures but some of them still demanded academic tutoring. From semi-structured interview, it was found that some types of demand like the one for after-school care would be reduced since schools offered after-school program, but others might not be easily cut down. The new policy had few substantial impacts on students’ educational growth path. Therefore, parents chose to continue their demand for tutoring out of bounded rationality as a strategy to assist their children’s education career. Some demands had turned to underground market because of limited supply under regulations, whose price went up but quality might be unsatisfactory. Finally, the paper concluded with implications for regulating private tutoring effectively with a focus on demand side.

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    Theoretical Foundations and Practical Strategies of Developing Creative Talent
    David Yun Dai
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (1): 1-23.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.01.001
    Abstract898)   HTML66)    PDF (917KB)(690)      

    The nurturing of creative talent is a significant and urgent matter. However, what constitutes creative talent, and how to identify and educate them-these issues still await good theoretical answers and practical guidance. This article is intended to address human creative potential in terms of how it develops and leads to creative accomplishments, and how educational and social interventions can be designed accordingly to identify, nurture, and culturally support the development of creative productivity. For the nature of creative talent, the article identifies five types of innovations and three types of creative talent. For identification, it is proposed that identification should be more dynamic and developmentally responsive. For nurturing creativity, a three-phase developmental and domain-specific approach is proposed. For cultural support, several issues are brought up as to what constitutes a creativity-friendly culture. Finally, the article proposes a set of five strategic considerations for implementing such a practical agenda, and for guiding policy, the article suggests four principles to follow, as well as precaution for conceptual traps that might hinder this line of work.

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    The Generation Mechanism of the Primary and Secondary School Teachers’ Workload in China
    Huan Song, Jianjian Wu
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (9): 16-37.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.09.002
    Abstract583)   HTML47)    PDF (1332KB)(670)      

    The problem of the overload of primary and secondary school teachers is undermining the development of Chinese basic education. However, existing studies on teacher workload in China have limited discussions on how teachers perceive and cope with workload, as well as lack insight into the generation process of teachers’ workload. Through grounded theory methodology, this study aimed to explore teachers perceptions and responses to workload, and how Chinese teachers’ workload generate. Drawn on qualitative data from 49 Chinese primary and secondary school teachers, head of grassroots administrative department, the results showed that there were three types of workload of primary and secondary school teachers in China: teaching related workload, which teachers were willing to do even if they were tired, special-role workload, which let teachers feel torn on their responsibilities, and additional irrelevant workload, which teachers hated most. The complex sources of teachers’ workload in China were intertwined and layered, rooted in the absence of modern governance and modern school systems, but also shaped by a combination of digital technology, the educationalization of society. Schools as organisational intermediaries may ‘add’ or ‘subtract’ from teachers’ workload. The impact of teacher identity on teachers’ perceptions of and responses to workload, the mechanisms of teacher workload generation, and the differences in the process of teacher workload generation were discussed.

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    A Time Sociological Analysis on Teachers’ Workload
    Huan Song
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (9): 1-15.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.09.001
    Abstract472)   HTML50)    PDF (905KB)(561)      

    As a topic closely related to time, teachers’ workload needs to be analyzed from the three dimensions of the sociology of time: the commercial value, the political structure, and the moral norm. The scale effect of social time and its induced performance management lead to teachers’ high workload, stress and burnout. The hierarchical nesting structure and power structure of social time, as well as the time dilemma of public governance, make teachers’ self-time scarce, out of control and overdrawn. The moral tightness requirements and moral traps of social time devour teachers’ subject meaning and lead to teachers’ time poverty. The high-speed society strengthens the domination of the time norm over the subject and causes a series of morbid changes in teachers’ work. Therefore, it is necessary to fundamentally solve the problem of teachers’ workload through a series of methods such as value reconstruction, active deceleration, and technological innovation.

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    Expectation and Reality: An Analysis of Pay Level and Pay Mix of University Staff in China
    Yongmei Hu, Ping Zhao, Jing Yuan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (1): 24-40.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.01.002
    Abstract599)   HTML39)    PDF (921KB)(512)      

    In order to find out the problems and then provide empirical basis for the reform of pay system of Chinese university staff, the current study analyzes the actual and expected pay level and pay mix of Chinese university staff by using administrative data and large-scale micro survey data, and draws the following conclusions. The pay level of Chinese university staffs is relatively competitive in China, but it is not internationally competitive enough. The annual pay and its components of most staff are lower than the average, and the pay expectation of the vast majority of staffs is higher than the actual pay. The proportion of the base pay of university staff in the monthly pay is low, and it is lower than their expectation. The proportion of faculties in the “Double First-Class” universities and staff in the eastern regions expecting salary increases is significantly higher than that of other staff. Based on the above research findings, the study proposes three suggestions on raising pay level and optimizing pay mix to facilitate the reform of pay system of Chinese university faculty.

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    First Report on the Development of Chinese Adolescents’ Social and Emotional Skills: Based on the Second Round of SSES Data
    Zhenguo Yuan, Zhongjing Huang, Hong Wang, Xiangyu Wang, Jing Zhang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (5): 1-32.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.05.001
    Abstract368)   HTML53)    PDF (4355KB)(465)      

    This report analyzes data from the Survey on Social and Emotional Skills for the 10- and 15-year-old groups of students in Jinan City, China, and finds that students in the 10-year-old group scored higher than students in the 15-year-old group in all 16 social and emotional skills. In the 10-year-old group, boys scored higher than girls in all social and emotional skills except responsibility and achievement motivation, where the top three skills with the greatest differences were curiosity, creativity, and emotional control. In the 15-year-old group, girls scored higher than boys on responsibility, empathy, and tolerance, with empathy being the top one with the largest difference. Boys scored higher than girls in all other social and emotional skills, with the top three skills with the greatest differences being stress resistance, emotional control, and curiosity. The social and emotional skills of the advantaged students were higher than those of the disadvantaged group. There is no significant difference in social and emotional skills between general secondary school students and vocational secondary school students. In the 15-year-old group, private school students were slightly higher than public school students in engaging with the others and open-mindedness, while the results were reversed in other skills. Optimism was by far the skill most closely related to health behaviors, body image, life satisfaction, satisfaction with relationships, and current psychological well-being. Emotional control and stress resistance were most closely related to students’ test and class anxiety. Task performance, especially achievement motivation and perseverance, as well as curiosity were strongly associated with better student performance in Chinese, Math, and Arts. Notably, 15-year-old girls benefited more than boys from social and emotional skills, while 10-year-old boys benefited more than girls from social and emotional skills. The relationships between body image, health behaviors, satisfaction with relationships, current psychological well-being, and most of the skills were stronger for advantaged than that for disadvantaged students. Advantaged students tended to participate in more career development activities than disadvantaged students. Students with higher social and emotional skills, especially those with higher levels of creativity and curiosity, engaged in more career development activities. Girls and advantaged pupils tend to be more ambitious about their future education and careers than boys and disadvantaged pupils. Students with high levels of open-mindedness and task performance have higher future educational aspirations and career ambitions.

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    The Practical Characteristics, Difficulties and Cooperative Ways of Teacher Subjects in Children’s Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School: An Empirical Investigation of Kindergarten and Primary School Teachers from 11 Provinces and Cities
    Jin Huang, Fang Tian, Hui Qiao, Meng Zhang, Chang Yu
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (11): 1-12.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.11.001
    Abstract483)   HTML50)    PDF (1189KB)(445)      

    The transition from kindergarten to primary school is a critical period for children to adapt to society and future education. Kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers are important participants to ensure effective two-way coordination and support the smooth transition. Based on the perspective of multi subjects’ collaborative participation in the transition practices, this study investigates the transition beliefs and practice of kindergarten and primary school teachers. Participants were 9,872 kindergarten teachers and 7,411 primary school teachers from 11 provinces and cities. The findings revealed that there were conflicts in the belief and understanding of transition to school between kindergarten and primary school teachers, and there was inconsistency in the organization and implementation of curriculum and teaching. They faced such practical difficulties as weak belief in cooperation, low implementation rate of cooperation, limited external support, and insufficient internal understanding. These findings highlight that it should promote the coordination of kindergarten and primary school teachers to support the smooth transition of children in such aspects as establishing a consensus on two-way coordination based on children’s position, realizing the continuity of curriculum and teaching, building an interactive platform and forming a supportive guarantee system.

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    Primary Female Teachers’ Workload, Work-family Interference, Affective Commitment, and Turnover Intention: Structural Equation Modeling from a Realist Social Theory Perspective
    Shenji Zhou, Miao Xu, Heng Wang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (9): 56-70.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.09.004
    Abstract306)   HTML26)    PDF (1006KB)(438)      

    China’s education policy has placed emphasis on teacher workload. Along with the increasing complexity of teachers’ work, it is essential to note the impact of workload components on their job performance. Based on Archer’s realist social theory, this study explores the relationships between teacher workload, work-family interference, affective commitment, and turnover intention through a questionnaire survey of primary female teachers in 13 primary schools in Hainan Province. The results indicate that participants’ time spent on teaching practice, with students, and on miscellaneous tasks had direct or indirect effects on their turnover intention, whereas time spent on professional development and administrative/management tasks had no significant effect. The research presented both theoretical and practical implications in view of its findings.

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    The Vitality of Teachers and Positive Teacher-student Relationships: A Study on the Emotional Transmission Effect
    Wei Yan, Zhongying Shi, Kaiping Peng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (3): 78-86.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.03.007
    Abstract573)   HTML27)    PDF (742KB)(431)      

    In recent years, the emotional interactions between teachers and students in the classroom have garnered increasing attention. Drawing from the vitality theory, this study posited that the vitality of teachers might enhance students’ vitality and foster positive teacher-student relationship via emotional transmission effect, specifically through students’ perception of teacher enthusiasm. This hypothesis was empirically examined with a sample of 2,386 Chinese middle school students and 76 headteachers. Data on student and teacher vitality, students’ perception of teacher enthusiasm, and positive teacher-student relationship were collected using questionnaires. A chain mediation model was established and evaluated. Results showed that teacher vitality directly predicts positive teacher-student relationship. The relationship is underpinned by the mediators of students’ perception of teacher enthusiasm and student vitality, and by the chain mediating effect of the two. In essence, when teachers demonstrate energy, enthusiasm, and vitality in their teaching, they are more likely to transmit this passion to their students. This, in turn, fosters more positive teacher-student relationships. These findings have significant implications for bolstering educational vitality, enhancing the mental health of teachers and students, and cultivating positive teacher-student relationships.

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    The Change of Influencing Factors of Rural Teachers’ Turnover Intention: The Comparison before and after the Implementation of the Rural Teachers Support Plan of Yunnan Province (2015—2020)
    Yanling Wang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (9): 85-99.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.09.006
    Abstract305)   HTML25)    PDF (910KB)(425)      

    Clearly understanding rural teachers’ turnover intention and its influencing factors is the prerequisite for retaining rural teachers. According to a survey of 5,342 rural teachers in Yunnan province, about 30% of them “always have” the willingness to move, which is 5.7% higher than that in 2016. The rural teachers with a teaching experience of “3-5 years” demonstrate the strongest intention to move, indicating that teachers who have joined in recent years are still “unable to retain”. The most important factors affecting rural teachers’ turnover intention are “allowing children to enjoy better educational resources” and “taking care of family members”, while salary, office and housing conditions are significantly lower in the list of factors. The influence of “school management and teacher evaluation” is further highlighted. Combined with field investigations, it is found that the cultural and psychological characteristics of rural teachers caused by the urban-rural dichotomy, the lack of improvement in the welfare of rural teachers under the “county-based” rural compulsory education funding guarantee mechanism, the lack of a stable teacher supply mechanism for rural education, and the failure of the educational management system in township, etc., are the deep-seated factors that influence the willingness of rural teachers’ turnover intention. This study thus suggests that to stabilize the rural teaching force, it is necessary to plan and develop rural education in the process of rural revitalization and rebuild the ecology of rural education. It is also necessary to enhance the continuous improvement mechanism of rural teachers’ welfare, establish a long-term supplementary mechanism for rural teachers, improve the management system of rural education, and stimulate the vitality of rural school operation.

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    “Thriving” or “Retreating”: A Qualitative Study on Chinese Rural Teachers’ Workload and Job Crafting Mechanism
    Qiong Li, Yiwen Lin, Qing Wang, Songli Wang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (9): 38-55.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.09.003
    Abstract331)   HTML23)    PDF (1182KB)(409)      

    Drawing upon the job demand-resource model, this study investigated rural teachers’ workload and job crafting mechanisms through interviewing 16 rural teachers in hard-to-staff schools in remote underdeveloped areas in China. The results indicated that rural teachers were confronted with challenges such as long working hours, teaching multiple subjects, out-of-field teaching and dealing with administrative works. Although rural teachers faced unique challenges, they could utilize different job crafting strategies in different conditions to redesign their jobs. The study has revealed the intricate nature of rural teachers’ workload and how rural teachers’ crafting strategies can change their jobs and lead to different outcomes.

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    Metaverse in Education: Position Every Child Real Experience in the New World
    Xiaoqing Gu, Ping Wan, Gong Wang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (11): 13-26.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.11.002
    Abstract430)   HTML33)    PDF (735KB)(396)      

    Metaverse attracted attention in the field of education, but there is still a lack of rational understanding. Therefore, it is necessary to rethink about the real meaning of metaverse and its educational value. Metaverse is the existence that connects the real world you are currently in with other different time and space, through which you can enter the real situation of any time and space, and this is also the way for students to learn knowledge in the future. The Metaverse in education enriches the existence of knowledge, the depth of the learner’s learning experience and the scope of the true-life world, allowing students to directly experience the process of knowledge dissemination, knowledge construction, knowledge application, knowledge production and creation. At the same time, the process of interaction between learners and the situation affects the formation and development of human social knowledge, and the influence is fed back to the real-life world to promote the real occurrence of knowledge learning. On this basis, this research further explores the possible application scenarios of metaverse in education and analyzes the key technologies and potential educational value and risks.

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    How Undergraduate Colleges Affect Urban Income Disparity under the Background of Enrollment Expansion
    Peizhen Jin, Xinyan Liu, Siyu Wang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (10): 131-149.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.10.011
    Abstract146)   HTML10)    PDF (1159KB)(393)      

    The expansion of college enrollment, which began in 1999, accelerated the transformation of China into a country with large human resources. The upsurge of newly-established colleges has also affected the urban income distribution. Based on the college data of 278 cities in China and the nighttime lighting data, this study found that, first, with the expansion of colleges, the income disparity in inland cities with public college has been significantly reduced, and the impact of policies has a longer decay period. Robustness tests such as parallel trend test, placebo test, eliminating the factors of city size and controlling the influence of graduates’ cross-regional employment still support this conclusion. Second, compared with public colleges, the contribution of private colleges to narrowing the urban income disparity in China has not yet been revealed. Third, the accumulation of human capital, the increase in the average wage of staff and the enhancement of technological innovation ability are the internal mechanisms for the newly-added colleges to curb the income disparity. Finally, the effect of narrowing the urban income disparity with key colleges is more significant. The reallocation of higher education resources measured by the construction of first-class universities and disciplines of the world is a beneficial policy to adjust the income distribution. The above conclusions have important implications for how to optimize the spatial allocation of higher education resources, and also provide a basis for realizing the path of regional common prosperity.

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    The Impact of Family Socioeconomic Status on Students’ Social and Emotional Skills: The Serial Mediation Role of Growth Mindset and Test and Class Anxiety
    Zhi Liu, Jia Li, Chenxi Liang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2024, 42 (5): 83-98.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.05.005
    Abstract228)   HTML30)    PDF (1097KB)(384)      

    Based on the data from the OECD Survey on Social and Emotional Skills conducted in Jinan in 2023, this study focuses on the impact of family socioeconomic status on students’ social and emotional skills. It explores the mediating mechanisms through which growth mindset and test and class anxiety influence this relationship. The findings indicate that: (1) both family socioeconomic status and growth mindset have a significant positive effect on students’ social and emotional skills, while test and class anxiety has a significant negative effect; (2) growth mindset plays a significant positive mediating role, meaning that family socioeconomic status positively promotes students’ social and emotional skills through the mediation of growth mindset; (3) test and class anxiety, as a mediator, shows a significant negative mediating effect, suggesting that family socioeconomic status can adversely affect students’ social and emotional skills through the mediation of test and class anxiety; (4) the study further reveals a significant positive serial mediation effect between growth mindset and test and class anxiety, indicating that family socioeconomic status affects students’ growth mindset, which in turn regulates their level of test and class anxiety, ultimately exerting a comprehensive impact on their social and emotional skills. Based on empirical discussions, this study proposes three suggestions for enhancing the development of student’s social and emotional skills. Firstly, schools should provide more resources and platforms to support students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Secondly, establish a path mechanism for cultivating growth mindset with schools as the main battlefield system. Thirdly, promote collaboration between home and school to address the issue of test and class anxiety among adolescents jointly.

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    Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education for All: Why is It Possible and How is It Feasible?
    Pingzhang Ruan, Hui Dong, Xu Liu
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (9): 100-111.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.09.007
    Abstract289)   HTML23)    PDF (760KB)(374)      

    Under the strategic layout of education, science, technology and talents, the relationship between education and innovation has been further narrowed. How to meet the demand for innovative talents through the construction of high quality education system has become an urgent proposition. As an important part of the training of innovative talents in colleges and universities, innovation and entrepreneurship education in our country has made great progress, but still faces practical problems such as uneven distribution of opportunities, low overall quality, and poor efficiency of educating people. Creating innovation and entrepreneurship education for everyone is the only choice to help build a powerful education country, adapt to the changes of universities themselves and respond to the technological changes of the times. By reviewing the literature and case data of creativity research and education practice at home and abroad, it is found that “everyone can be creative” is becoming mature in theory and feasible in practice. In view of the future, it is still necessary for colleges and universities to promote the deep popularization of “specialization, innovation and integration” in the education process, create an ecological environment of multi-party collaboration and “create atmosphere”, and at the same time, facilitate the continuous growth of students’ “innovative self”.

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    Education and Income Distribution: Theoretic Logics and Actual Evidence
    Yuhong Du, Yanbin Guo
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (10): 1-11.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.10.001
    Abstract313)   HTML29)    PDF (1087KB)(364)      

    There is an inconsistence between theory and fact in education and income distribution. Human capital theory including the marginal productivity, and the opinion of increasing income and further narrowing income gap by improving human capital level, and Kuznets Curve that market automatically solves income distribution problem constitute the theoretic logic of education and income distribution. The mass process of education democratization and popularization hasn’t narrowed the income gap in the past few hundred years history of western developed countries. The coexistence of education popularization level and income gap expansion, the coexistence of higher return of schooling and lower labor income share, and the coexistence of competitive education race and the lower share of education determining individual income since reform and opening-up disclose factual evidence inconsistent with theory expectations. Which type of education should be developed and how to provide environment with education is an explanation above inconsistency, and is also the future direction of solving income distribution via education: build compensative public education system based on life cycle to narrow education inequality; implement labor market reform and actual change of education opinion synchronizedly; complete and improve high level market and create the institution environment good for human capital.

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    The Underlying Logic and Construction Path of Digital Pedagogy: On the Construction of Chinese Digital Pedagogy
    Guangbin Zhang, Kexun Xue
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)    2023, 41 (11): 67-84.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.11.006
    Abstract355)   HTML23)    PDF (762KB)(353)      

    The digital transformation of education is a profound educational reform, which has spawned a series of new phenomena and problems in education, nurtured new laws in education, and urgently needs the systematic theoretical research and overall practical guidance. Digital pedagogy, as an interdisciplinary practical science formed by the integration of education, computer science, information and communication science, aims to study the phenomena, problems, and laws of digital education, and answer questions about what and how to cultivate people in the digital age. This study takes the learning law as the starting point, the supporting discipline development of pedagogy and the development of paper, information, digital and other technologies as the main line, and reveals the historical inevitability of digital pedagogy. The return of education to the digital world, data as the new element of education, virtual space as the new space of education and the internal interactio among the three act as the underlying logic of digital pedagogy, and throughout the research. On this basis, it clarifies the nature and positioning of digital pedagogy, and puts forward the academic framework of business digitalization, organization digitalization and technology digitalization, the integration discourse system, and the big data research paradigm. On the basis of theoretical analysis, this paper puts forward the “four principles”, “three stages”, “four forces” and basic guarantee for the construction of Chinese-style digital pedagogy, with a view to providing practical guidance for exploring new laws of digital education, promoting digital pedagogy research and theoretical innovation of Chinese-style education modernization, leading the transformation and upgrading of education digitalization and high-quality development of digital education.

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