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    01 February 2025, Volume 43 Issue 2 Previous Issue   
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    Type Analysis of Basic Concepts of Chinese Characteristics Pedagogy in the New Era
    Jinzhou Zheng
    2025, 43 (2):  1-9.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2025.02.001
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    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China’s education has undergone structural and historical changes. A series of new concepts have been proposed around the development of education reform, which constitute the basic expression of Chinese characteristic pedagogy in the new era. These concepts can be analyzed from multiple dimensions, and can be classified into original concepts, derivative concepts, and reshaped concepts based on their sources. They can be classified into basic educational theory concepts, curriculum and teaching theory concepts, educational governance and change concepts based on their content. Also, they can be classified into category relationship concepts, cross relationship concepts, and contradictory relationship concepts based on their compatibility.

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    Construction of the Symbolic Concept of Pedagogy with Chinese Characteristics
    Xiaoqing Wen, Jianjun Feng
    2025, 43 (2):  10-18.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2025.02.002
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    The construction of the independent knowledge system of pedagogy with Chinese characteristics is fundamentally guaranteed by the independent concept system, which requires the concept to have discipline identity, theoretical identity and Chinese identity. To refine the symbolic concept of pedagogy with Chinese characteristics, we should first clarify the theoretical framework of pedagogy with Chinese characteristics, and ensure that the refined concept is the concept of “pedagogy” with disciplinary connection, which is the disciplinary premise of concept construction; Secondly, we should take root in China and refine the concept of pedagogy extensively within the theoretical framework to ensure that the original concept of pedagogy is a concept with academic rationality, which is the theoretical cornerstone of concept construction; Finally, following the principle of difference, we should further highlight the Chinese identity of the local concept of pedagogy and construct the concept of pedagogy identity with Chinese characteristics. However, the independent knowledge system of pedagogy with Chinese characteristics cannot be established on the fragmented concept of pedagogy, which requires further clarifying the disciplinary structure, logical level and content system of the symbolic concept of pedagogy with Chinese characteristics, so as to make the concept of pedagogy logical and systematic.

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    Integration of Knowledge Seeking, Self-perfection, and Pursuit of Career Development: Chinese Students’ Learning Characteristics from an International and Comparative Perspective
    Huafeng Zhang, Jinghuan Shi, Fei Guo
    2025, 43 (2):  19-33.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2025.02.003
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    Moving beyond entrenched negative stereotypes and Western-centric educational theories, this study offers a nuanced understanding of Chinese students’ learning approaches through an international comparative lens. This approach is essential for developing a contextualized theory of student learning and serves as a cornerstone for enhancing talent development and educational practices. A comprehensive analysis of international research on Chinese learners reveals distinct learning characteristics: an integrated cognitive strategy facilitating knowledge reproduction, motivation deeply rooted in social connections and instrumental tools, purposeful and context-driven academic engagement, and learning philosophies imbued with indigenous virtues. These findings suggest that Chinese students’ educational experiences encompass not only cognitive processes but also embody a holistic ‘great learning’ ethos that integrates knowledge seeking, self-perfection, and pursuit of career development. To foster a meaningful evolution in student learning, educational interventions must transcend the confines of mere internal reforms within schools and engage with broader socio-educational reform that would change the learning characteristics of self-perfection and pursuit of career development.

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    Learn to Question: Study on the Pattern of Undergraduates-GAI Collaborative Learning
    Shanyun He, Yan Shen
    2025, 43 (2):  34-48.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2025.02.004
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    The advent of Generative Artificial Intelligence(GAI) represented by ChatGPT has challenged the traditional learning. How students learn through GAI tends to be an urgent problem to be explored in the current education and teaching reform. This research analyses the dialogues in class between undergraduate and GAI by coding discourse types, questioning levels, questioning strategies and students’ self report to explore the learning model of human-artificial intelligence collaboration. It is found that in student-GAI dialogues dominated by students, there are more single round conversations and less continuous discussions around a topic. The main types of students’ discourse are initial questioning, extended questioning and rephrasing questioning, while the evaluation and continuing instruction discourses are less. What’s more, students’cognitive level of questioning is low, focusing on knowledge level questioning and comprehension level questioning. The using of questioning strategies is unfamiliar and students seldom use role questioning, material questioning and scheme questioning. In addition, it is discovered that different task stages and different experience both lead to different conversation situation between students and GAI. With the development of task solving, there are more frequent and sustained dialogues, along with the deeper cognitive level and more proficient using of questioning strategies. Meanwhile, students with more experience in using GAI generate more dialogues with high cognitive level. In student-GAI dialogues representing different characteristics, though there are different opinions towards using GAI in class teaching, most of the students hold a positive attitude. In students’ perception, GAI has the advantage in generating responses, furnishing valuable information, handling various types of tasks and fostering the development of student abilities, thereby assisting students in learning. But at the same time, GAI faces challenges related to technical limitations, raising concerns about student development, learning assessment, and overall educational ecosystem. According to the findings of the research, our study provides effective suggestions for further introducing GAI into classroom teaching from three aspects: providing question guidance, enriching question scenes and strengthening reflection of GAI response.

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    Does Classroom Assessment Promote Deeper Learning among Students? Analysis Based on 16,758 Data from Primary and Secondary Schools in a County
    Donghui Zheng, Shengnan Ye
    2025, 43 (2):  49-65.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2025.02.005
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    Clarifying the impact of classroom assessment on deeper learning is helpful to explore the direction of student assessment reform and learning style reform in the new era. Through literature review, this article constructs a theoretical framework for classroom assessment that promotes deeper learning, highlighting the integration, guidance, and ethics of classroom assessment. According to the theoretical framework, self-developed “Classroom Assessment Behavior Questionnaire Based on Student Perspective” and “Deeper Learning Questionnaire for Primary and Secondary School Students”. A sampling survey was conducted on 16,758 primary and secondary school students in a county, which is reflected in three aspects. One is that classroom assessment has a significant positive effect on deeper learning, another is that the higher the student’s achievements, the more significant positive effect of classroom assessment on deeper learning, and the third is that grade, urban-rural, and family learning environments significantly affect the effect of classroom assessment on deeper learning. This has important implications for understanding the relationship between classroom assessment and deeper learning. Firstly, embrace the value of classroom assessment in promoting deeper learning, and highlight the integrity and uniqueness of classroom assessment. Secondly, pay attention to the significance of students as the subject of classroom assessment to the change of learning style, and emphasizes the importance of assessment as a deeper learning style. Thirdly, examine the internal differences of deeper learning and different influences of classroom assessment factors, and promote practice of teaching-learning-assessment alignment on deeper learning. Finally, pay attention to the impact of student characteristics on promoting deeper learning through classroom assessment, and focus on the adaptability and ethics of classroom assessment.

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    The Logic, Dilemma and Strategic Choice of Collective Action in Organized Scientific Research
    Xiaoli Zhao, Yuan Xun
    2025, 43 (2):  66-77.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2025.02.006
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    Organized scientific research is not only an important form of modern scientific development and knowledge innovation, but also has become a policy option to promote scientific and technological innovation in countries around the world, and increasingly relies on the power of collective action to improve the efficiency of scientific research and achieve the goal of organized scientific research. While following the logical path of transforming collective goals into individual actions, establishing proper and orderly knowledge division and cooperation system and multi-agent interaction and communication knowledge production network, organized scientific research also faces the dilemma of collective action, such as the conflict between individual academic purview and common goals, the conflict of knowledge interaction in organized scientific research and the hidden danger of complex structure. To stimulate the power of collective action in organized research, alternative strategies involved are suggested as follows. The individual will of the participants is transformed into collective commitment and common contract; the division of labor and cooperation system is established to clarify the roles and responsibilities of different participants in organized scientific research; and the governance system of open interaction and democratic consultation is constructed to give play to the agglomeration advantages of the knowledge interaction network of organized scientific research participants.

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    Interdisciplinarity Approach to Knowledge Production for Modern Family Education
    Chonghan Wu, Chongwang Zhu, Xi Wang
    2025, 43 (2):  78-89.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2025.02.007
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    Historically, family education has been based on school pedagogy as a theoretical prototype, in which (developmental) psychology has dominated. Family education has in fact become “parenting” in a micro and narrow sense, which does not correspond to the real image of modern family education. Through the lens of the “how children change in the family” problem domain, we see that family education is forming an interdisciplinary and potentially cross-disciplinary landscape, changing the direction and center of gravity of the discipline of family education and creating an open landscape for family education research. Family education is the “education of things”, the experiential change of children in family life, and the unification of social and psychological mechanisms, of which the social mechanism is the most crucial. A new interdisciplinary cluster of social disciplines is being formed through the study of how children in the family change social mechanisms, with a sociological perspective at its core and important perspectives from economics, family history, and children’s history, etc.; relevant studies of psychological mechanisms form another interdisciplinary area, with developmental psychology at its core, and important perspectives from brain science and physiology. Both constitute a “dual-core” cross-disciplinary situation that explains the body of knowledge on family education and can form a cross-discipline of “modern family education” according to a new model of knowledge production. On this basis, we discuss and demonstrate that sociology exists in the domain of family education through its various branches and general theoretical framework. This effectively supports the ‘dual-core’ interdisciplinarity approach to family education knowledge production.

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    Navigating through the Chaos Route: Dilemma and Prospects for the Senior Secondary Schools Specialization over the Past Thirty Years——Evidence Based on In-depth Interviews
    Yongfeng Fan, Yuxi Wu
    2025, 43 (2):  90-104.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2025.02.008
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    Over the past thirty years, China has been promoting the senior secondary schools specialization, aiming to establish a diversified and specialized development pattern by 2022. However, this goal seems far from being achieved. Therefore, based on in-depth interviews with experts and principals, this study aims to reveal the practical difficulties and constraints of senior secondary schools specialization in China. It’s found that there are several key challenges in developing senior secondary school specialization: a big gap between ideal and reality in achieving senior secondary schools specialization, a chaotic implementation manifesting as superficial development and essential deviation, the degraded outcomes manifesting as a crisis between the insufficient support for student individuality and a new track for obtaining scores. The development of senior secondary schools specialization is constrained by the lack of specialized policies and top-level design, the absence of subject competencies, the bonds of lacking support system, the shackles of evaluation system oriented towards “five only”, the constraints of utilitarian educational culture, and the absence of a corresponding support system. Based on these findings, recommendations are made from four perspectives: clarifying directions, creating a favorable environment, strengthening motivation, and enhancing capabilities. These recommendations include constructing a policy system that is “nationally unified and locally implemented by municipal governments,” establishing a senior secondary schools education quality concept that “balances comprehensiveness and individuality, and compatibility between scores and specializations,” implementing an enrollment examination system that “separates autonomous enrollment from entrance examinations,” and forming a practical direction for capability enhancement under the devolution of school autonomy, emphasizing “self-empowerment and empowerment of others.”

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    Academic and Vocational Streaming in High School Education: Misunderstandings, Facts and Visions
    Zhilei Tian, Yi Xue, Li Yin
    2025, 43 (2):  105-118.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2025.02.009
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    In recent years, due to widespread misunderstandings regarding the academic and vocational streaming, educational anxiety has continued to grow and spread in society. Based on a factual and characteristic description of the academic and vocational streaming, this article reexamines the societal criticisms of this streaming. Over the past two decades, the academic to vocational education ratio in China’s senior high school education has experienced roller-coaster-like fluctuations but has consistently remained greater than 1∶1. Currently, at least sixty to seventy percent of students attend regular high schools, with some provinces nearing eighty percent. Micro-level data reveals that while family background plays a significant role in the streaming, academic performance is the predominant factor. Families in major cities and those with multiple children face greater pressures within this streaming, and boys tend to underperform compared to girls. Subsequently, this article provides minority supportive and majority contradictory evidence surrounding mainstream criticisms of the academic and vocational streaming. Finally, grounded in empirical analysis of this streaming, the article explores potential pathways for future harmonization of academic and vocational education in China.

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    Dialogue with Reggio Emilia: The Hundred Languages of Children
    Jianqin Yin, Claudia Judic (Claudia Giudici)
    2025, 43 (2):  119-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2025.02.010
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    While the Chinese “living education” theory has remained enduring vitality over a century of tempering and experimenting, as a vibrant early education approach, the Reggio Emilia Approach from Italy has been adopted in many countries and regions. This article documents a dialogue between its author and Claudia Judic, president of Reggio Children, on several core issues in preschool education, such as environment as a third teacher, social interactions, the teacher’s role, documentation, and artistic work. Full understanding and consensus were reached in the dialogue. President Giudici proposed the triple dimension of Reggio’s environment creation, the endogenous educational beliefs of teachers, the essence and function of documentation, and the art studio as a spatial metaphor. She also pointed out that “creativity” and “situationality” are the basic elements and key characteristics of the Reggio Emilia Approach.

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