A Maturity Model for Digital Transformation in Education

  • Yonghe Wu ,
  • Qiuxuan Xu ,
  • Zhuzhu Wang
  • 1. Department of Education Information Technology, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062 China
    2. National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 China
    3. National Center for Educational Technology, Beijing 100031 China

Online published: 2023-03-01


The digital transformation in education is the driving force and innovation factor of the high-quality development of education. The evaluation of the ability level of the digital transformation in education has become one of the key points of the current education reform and practice. The maturity model provides a new method to solve the difficulty of evaluating the ability level of education digital transformation and helps to lead the implementation of the transformation practice. Based on the theory and basic structure of maturity model, this study analyzes the existing digital maturity model from the perspective of international comparison, and refines the key components of education digital transformation through policy analysis. By referring to the maturity levels and behavior characteristics of Capability Maturity Model and combining with the development characteristics of education digital trans- formation, an evaluation framework of education digital transformation maturity was constructed, which included five key process domains, 18 sub-key domains and five maturity levels. Based on the idea of “macro to medium to micro” to systematically promote digital transformation, this study discusses the key application scenarios of the ma-turity evaluation framework of education digital transformation from national, regional and school levels. A maturity model for digital transformation in education provides feasible evaluation paths for the implementation of education digital strategic actions and high-quality development of education.

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Yonghe Wu , Qiuxuan Xu , Zhuzhu Wang . A Maturity Model for Digital Transformation in Education[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2023 , 41(3) : 25 -35 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.03.003


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