Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) >
Integrated Education: the Historical Context, Existing Experience and Future Key of the Relationship Between Schools and Grass-roots Society
Online published: 2023-05-30
In the past century, the integrated educational relationship between schools and grass-roots society in China has experienced two stages from integration to separation, resulting in a paradox. On the one hand, the school educational function is infinitely expanded and overburdened, on the other hand, the grass-roots society is absent from school educational governance, and its original educational function is also shrinking. Promoting the integration of schools and grass-roots society and the formation of educational pattern is an important task of the modernization of educational governance ability at present and in the future. According to the existing domestic experience of integrated education and management system, it is not enough to rebuild the needs of integrated education between schools and grass-roots society in modern society. Therefore, it is necessary to reconstruct the “new link”. Schools need to change from “organizational image” to “community image”, open to the community and participate in the construction of community culture. In terms of the inter-organizational aspect of schools and grassroots society, the key mechanism is to rebuild a new type of substantive “integrated organization”.
Yuhua Bu , Shan Qi . Integrated Education: the Historical Context, Existing Experience and Future Key of the Relationship Between Schools and Grass-roots Society[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2023 , 41(6) : 38 -46 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.06.004
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