What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Competency: Essence, Composition and Evaluation Systems

  • Baichang Zhong ,
  • Xiaofan Liu ,
  • Minghuan Yang
  • 1. School of Information Technology in Education, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China
    2. Application Promotion Department, Guangdong e-Education Center, Guangzhou 510000, China

Online published: 2023-12-28


The ChatGPT has both positive and negative effects on education. The field of education should consider not only how to empower students to meet the challenges posed by AI, but also how to develop students’ competency to adapt to AI. In this paper, we refer to this competency as AI competency, i.e., the core competency of students with both domain specificity and domain generality cultivated through AI education. AI competency is a new competency arising from the development of AI technology. Technology ontology, philosophical epistemology and educational psychology are interconnected to understand the essence and composition of AI competency. From the perspective of technology ontology, this paper analyzes the essence of AI competency-the technicalization of human beings. From the perspective of philosophical epistemology and educational psychology, this paper analyzes the composition of AI competency. Key competency development is essentially a dynamic transformation process of “knowledge and thinking”. Affectivity, as a knowledge-derived emotional experience, not only nourishes the process of knowledge construction and thinking development, but also serves as the foundation and source for acquiring moral conceptions. Thus, the interplay of knowledge, affectivity and thinking underpins the logic of students’ AI competency. In this vein, this paper constructs an evaluation system of AI competency based on three dimensions: AI knowledge, AI affectivity, and AI thinking.

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Baichang Zhong , Xiaofan Liu , Minghuan Yang . What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Competency: Essence, Composition and Evaluation Systems[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2024 , 42(1) : 71 -84 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.01.005


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