“Innocent Vipers” and the “Potential Saints”: Early Shapes of American View of Children

  • Yuyang Jiang ,
  • Binxian Zhang
  • Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

Online published: 2024-01-17


The early shapes of American children’s views are important conceptual foundation of American early education thought and practice, and the study of early American children’s view is of great significance to the study of American early education. There have been few studies on the early shapes of American children’s views, and they hold a labeled, simple and one-sided understanding like the theory of original sin leads to the concept of children’s guilt, and thus believes that children are treated ruthlessly, indifferently and roughly. By analyzing the contents of diaries, poems, sermons, catechisms and other historical materials in the colonial period, and re-examining the views on children in the United States in this period, it is found that the views on children in the colonial period are mainly attributed to Protestant factors. The colonists not only deduced the sinful nature behind the innocent and lovely image of children based on the theory of original sin, but also recognized the possibility of children becoming visible saints, that is, they believed that children were the synthesis of “innocent vipers” and “potential saints”. The early shapes of American children’s views are not only pessimistic but also optimistic. Correspondingly, the method of educating children is not only indifferent and rude, but also trains children through a combination of positive and negative interventions. This seemingly contradictory view of children stems from the fact that the colonists imposed a strong sense of Puritan mission on children and tried to use all possible means to sanctify them.

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Yuyang Jiang , Binxian Zhang . “Innocent Vipers” and the “Potential Saints”: Early Shapes of American View of Children[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2024 , 42(2) : 109 -118 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.02.008


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