Knowledge, Imagination and Learning in Depth: A Discussion with Professor Gillian Judson on Kieran Egan’s Research

  • Xin Li ,
  • Yuanxiang Guo ,
  • Cui Rong ,
  • Gillian Judson
  • 1. Faculty of Education Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China
    2. Faculty of Education, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
    3. Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby V5A 1S6, Canada

Online published: 2024-04-25


Since the 1980s and 1990s, Professor Kieran Egan of Simon Fraser University in Canada has led a team to conduct research on Imaginative Education and Learning in Depth Program, systematically exploring the nature of curriculum knowledge, learning, understanding and imagination, as well as the nature and type of knowledge understanding and the relationship between knowledge and imagination. He has developed cognitive tools for cultivating imagination and teaching strategies for cultivating students’ imagination in disciplinary teaching. In the research of Learning in Depth, knowledge standards and basic teaching principles of Learning in Depth have been established. Since 2006, we have established a research team of Instruction in Depth to address the problems in the implementation of curriculum in primary and secondary schools in China. Focusing on the transformation of teaching values, concept of curriculum knowledge, concept of teaching process and concept of learning activities, we have adopted the 3K research approach to explore the concepts and strategies of teaching and learning oriented to key competency and conduct international cooperative research. This paper makes a dialogue and interview with Professor Gillian Judson of Simon Fraser University, focusing on Professor Kieran Egan’s innovative contributions to research on knowledge, imagination and Learning in Depth, in order to provide references for deepening curriculum and instruction reform in China and meeting the challenges of the development of key competence.

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Xin Li , Yuanxiang Guo , Cui Rong , Gillian Judson . Knowledge, Imagination and Learning in Depth: A Discussion with Professor Gillian Judson on Kieran Egan’s Research[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2024 , 42(6) : 125 -136 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.011


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