Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) >
Research on Teachers’ Emotion Regulation: The Shift from Individual Orientation to Interpersonal Orientation
Online published: 2024-06-06
Interpersonal interactions are the foundation and center of teachers’ work. Therefore, educational activities are full of the flow of emotions, and emotions permeate and pervade teachers’ daily work. Due to its multi-disciplinary nature, the research on teachers’ emotion regulation has evolved three typical approaches, namely, emotion regulation, emotional labor, and emotional management. However, these three approaches demonstrate a notable individualistic inclination, and lack the adequate attention to the interpersonal characteristics and dynamic processes of emotion regulation. In the past decade, the international literature on emotion regulation has emerged a shift from an individual orientation to an interpersonal orientation. Gradually, the interpersonal-oriented emotion regulation research has experienced the stages of germination and formation. The emerging field of interpersonal emotion regulation has developed some theoretical models and measurement tools that have been applied in various disciplines. It is valuable for the researchers to further strengthen the interpersonal-oriented teacher emotion regulation research because of the interpersonal characteristics of teachers’ work and the recent perspective shift in emotion regulation research. In future, when applying and adjusting the cutting-edge theories to educational research, researchers who are interested in teachers’ emotion regulation need to pay enough attention to the issues of cultural differences and contextual adaptations.
Wenlan Wang , Wenyan Jiang , Hongbiao Yin . Research on Teachers’ Emotion Regulation: The Shift from Individual Orientation to Interpersonal Orientation[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2024 , 42(7) : 77 -88 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.07.007
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