How Collaborative School Culture Affects Teachers’ Teaching Strategies: An Analysis of the Intermediary Effect of Teaching Efficacy and Organizational Commitment

  • Rui Pu ,
  • Xiaonan Cui ,
  • Jia Qian
  • School of Education, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China

Online published: 2024-06-06


The teachers’ teaching strategy is an effective guarantee for improving the quality of teaching. School culture provides a cultural environment for teacher professional development, and it is an important factor in improving teachers’ teaching strategies. This study, based on a survey of 4,594 primary school teachers from 14 districts in W City, uses descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, the structural equation model, and other research methods to explore the mechanism for the collaborative school culture to affect teachers’ teaching strategies, and the intermediary effect of their teaching efficacy and organizational commitment in the mechanism. The results are as follows. The collaborative school culture is significantly positively correlated with teachers’ teaching strategies; teachers’ teaching efficacy and organizational commitment partially mediate between collaborative culture and teachers’ instructional strategies, and the effect of teaching efficacy-organizational commitment has a chain mediating effect between collaborative culture and teachers’ instructional strategies. In order to continuously improve teaching strategies and the quality of teaching, the cultural leadership of principals should be given full play to create a cooperative school culture; a democratic and mutual-help teachers’ team should be established to stimulate teachers’ sense of teaching efficacy; and a management environment of coexistence, governance, sharing and co-prosperity should be constructed to cultivate a sense of organizational commitment among teachers.

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Rui Pu , Xiaonan Cui , Jia Qian . How Collaborative School Culture Affects Teachers’ Teaching Strategies: An Analysis of the Intermediary Effect of Teaching Efficacy and Organizational Commitment[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2024 , 42(7) : 89 -99 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.07.008


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