The Technological Turn in Educational Dialogue: Transmutation Paths, Application Dilemma and Paradigm Reconfiguration—Logical Reflection and Prospect on the Application of ChatGPT

  • Li Zhao ,
  • Yinsheng Liu
  • School of Education Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China

Online published: 2024-07-23


“Dialogue” as an original educational value orientation is not only the core of traditional educational philosophy inheritance, but also the basis for reflecting on the value of educational technology. With the implementation of generative artificial intelligence products represented by ChatGPT, educational dialogue has entered a new evolutionary stage. Unlike the “human-human dialogue” or “human-machine-human dialogue” in the past, the strong intervention of generative AI products makes the machine become the subject of dialogue, and the relationship of “human-machine dialogue” is established, which in turn promotes the transformation of dialogue subjects, dialogue forms and dialogue relationships to different degrees. In this context, this study attempts to reflect on how the changes in dialogue subjects, dialogue relations, and the generation of dialogue content will bring about substantive changes in educational dialogue from the perspective of the transmigration path of educational dialogue forms, examine the application dilemma of human-machine dialogue from the perspective of techno-critical philosophy, and analyze the potential risks of generative AI products represented by ChatGPT in educational dialogue. Also this study tries to respond to the urgent practical problem of how to realize the quality aggregation of technology and educational dialogue in the age of AI.

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Li Zhao , Yinsheng Liu . The Technological Turn in Educational Dialogue: Transmutation Paths, Application Dilemma and Paradigm Reconfiguration—Logical Reflection and Prospect on the Application of ChatGPT[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2024 , 42(8) : 76 -84 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.08.007


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