Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) >
The Emergence of the Teacher Concept: An Experiment in Longitudinal and Transdisciplinary Exploration of Educational Fundamentals
Online published: 2024-11-22
The concept of the teacher constitutes a crucial element within the foundational knowledge framework of education. The investigation into, and the manner of investigating, the teacher concept itself remains an unresolved challenge. Acknowledgment and recognition of this challenge serve as symbols of conceptual cognition and understanding, reflecting a pulse of the developmental state of professional knowledge, and constituting a metric for assessing professional achievements and practical effects. To reveal the layered emergence of the teacher concept, departing from the uncertain state of foundational knowledge and guided by Marx’s proposition of true projection, combined with the hypothesis of symbolic revolution, this study commences with the recursive trilogy of education by Clement of Alexandria. Through preliminary analysis of Greek teacher myths, pedagogical figures (paidagogos), school teachers (didáskalos), liberal educators, and poet-educators, it elaborates upon the educational conceptions and teacher identity concepts of figures such as Clement of Alexandria, Moses Maimonides, and Hasdai Crescas, thus examining educators within the realms of the Torah and the Christ faith. This presentation unveils the teacher concept, the concept-metaphor, its primordial emergence, historical pulsations, cultural attributes, civilizational values, abstract forms, and inherent contradictions. Examining materials discovered through extensive temporal and spatial explorations of foundational knowledge experiments, centred on the genesis and différance of the teacher concept, it deduces and disseminates certain regular recognitions and normative understandings. Peer review is solicited, employing similar research methodologies for correction and validation.
Biao Dong . The Emergence of the Teacher Concept: An Experiment in Longitudinal and Transdisciplinary Exploration of Educational Fundamentals[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2024 , 42(12) : 1 -62 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.12.001
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