
“London Challenge”: Lessons and Inspirations of School Reform

  • UCL Institute of Education
Chris Husbands

Online published: 2015-12-13


“Within many cities, there are effective classrooms-‘beacon’ schools and even clusters of such schools-but there are few if any examples of a successful model being expanded to the scope of an entire district”. After education reforms such as the global education reform movement ,the successful systems of the Pacific Rimand the ‘moral drive for improvement’, London began to consider and practice the challenging issue: to take school reform to scale, i.e. within the framework of vertical cooperation between national, municipal and local levels and combined with policy interventions for improvement of education reform and development, a set of plans has been taken for comprehensive school improvement to scale. Whether the London Challenge is transferable and could be copied and whether it is sustainable for area-based improvement, only time will tell.

Cite this article

Chris Husbands . “London Challenge”: Lessons and Inspirations of School Reform[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2015 , 33(3) : 58 -61 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.008

