The primary goal of financial input in education is to provide sufficient resources in support of the development of education, and strive to meet the funding criteria marching the overall requirements of educational output. Based on the five-year plan for the education development in China in different periods, using the evidence-based and cost function method, the authors made the standard calculation of the financial education funds which can meet the adequacy requirements. The empirical results show that at present China's financial investment in education can basically meet the needs of the development of educational undertakings, but there are problems.For example, the matching degree of the planning objectives and funds investment is not high, and the expansion of education is at a relatively low level. In addition, both the growth slowdown of adequate levels in the post "4" era,and regional or urban-rural imbalance of adequate level are pressing for the establishment and improvement of the long-term mechanism of financial investment in education.
ZHANG Qiongwen
. Adequacy Index Design and Standard Calculation of Educational Finance Input in China[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2017
, 35(3)
: 116
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.03.012
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