From the perspective of sociology of knowledge, Thomas Popkewitz, the famous American educator deconstructs historicism and positivism and blind faith to the archive in history of education. He puts forward his thought of historicizing in history of education research methodology. According to Thomas Popkewitz, while the present and history can't be separated, researchers should understand the present from cultural history and tradition. The researchers in history of education must do research into the practical problems of the present, and use methodology of the history of present. The process of history is interwoven with the influence of relationship between knowledge and power, so that the researcher should be a critical actor. The development of history is discontinuous, so historians must do research on the disruption of the historical change.
LI Xianjun
. Historicizing: Thomas Popkewitz's History of Education Research Methodology[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2017
, 35(4)
: 99
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.04.010
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