In this paper, the author offers an analysis of a sampling survey on both urban and rural primary schools in different areas of nine provinces in the East, Middle and West of China. The findings show that:a)the level of civic literacy among primary school students is higher on the whole; b) the level of civic literacy among female students is higher than that of male students, which indicates a significant gender gap in the civic literacy of primary school students; c) the level of civic literacy of pupils in the East is higher than that in the central or western areas, but there is no significant difference between the civic literacy of the pupils in the central areas and the civic literacy of the pupils in the western regions. Based on the survey, the author believes that, to improve the students' level of civic literacy, the philosophy of education should be transformed, education of civic literacy should be strengthened, and practical training should be enhanced to achieve the linkage between knowledge and practice. Also, gender stereotypes should be abandoned to promote the idea of gender equality. In addition, it's important that more investment in education in rural areas of central and western regions should be made to ensure a variety of educational resources are available for all.
ZHANG Jiajun
. Survey Research on Civic Literacy of Students in Primary School[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2017
, 35(6)
: 42
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.006
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