Self-regulated Learning, Cooperative Learning and Inquiry Learning: Transformation of Student Learning Styles

  • ZHANG Yaxing
  • Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

Online published: 2018-01-12


Self-regulated learning, cooperative learning and inquiry learning are highlighted in the new curriculum reform as the direction of learning styletransformation in China. This study, based on a stratified survey of sampled 440 teachers and 14,406 students, attempted to investigate the status quo and influential factors of learning style transformation in primary and secondary schools. The findings show that, despite the changed learning styles, self-regulated learning and inquiry learning still need to be improved. The transformation of learning styles among girls, lower-graders and urban students are relatively better. In addition, obtained teaching support, teaching autonomy and teaching styles have significant positive effects on learning style transformation, while examination oriented teaching ability has a significant negative effect. Also, mother's education, peer relationship,teacher-student relationship and learning motivation have significant positive impact on learning style transformation. However, higher academic pressure is not conducive to the transformation of learning styles.Therefore, it is necessary to promote teacher professional development, enhance democracy in educational management, improve the relevance of learning activities, and establish a good learning environment.

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ZHANG Yaxing . Self-regulated Learning, Cooperative Learning and Inquiry Learning: Transformation of Student Learning Styles[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2018 , 36(1) : 22 -28+160 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.01.003


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