Three Logical Approaches to Promoting the Open Development of Regional Education

  • CHEN Ziji ,
  • LIU Yongfu
  • 1. National Center for Education Development Research, Beijing 100816, China;
    2. National Institute of Education Science, Beijing 100088, China

Online published: 2018-01-12


To promote the open development of regional education, it's important to tackle the problem of internal and external linkage at micro, meso and macro levels through the exchange and sharing of such educational factors as resources, knowledge, technology, information, talent, capital and so on. At the micro level, local educational authorities should strive to reform school cooperation through open development, so as to achieve the linkage between school and its community.At the meso level, it's suggested that interregional linkage model should be built to achieve the linkage among several regions. At the macro level, it's essential to promote the internationalization of regional education to achieve the linkage between home and abroad. To push the open development of regional education,educational administrative departments need to implement the strategy of top-level design, systematic support and overall promotion so that the three logical approaches can produce synergies to promote the development of regional education.

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CHEN Ziji , LIU Yongfu . Three Logical Approaches to Promoting the Open Development of Regional Education[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2018 , 36(1) : 119 -125+165 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.01.015


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