More Emphasis on Science Subjects in Gaokao Reform

  • KE Zheng
  • Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Online published: 2018-04-24


Some science subjects like physics and chemistry, played an important role in China's early Gaokao system. However, in new Gaokao, the importance of science subjects has been greatly weakened, which has become a great concern. It's understood that China's development has a lot to do with science education. Nowadays,the number of registered students for science examination has decreased significantly. The main reason is that unscientific scoring methods have put those students at a disadvantage. Solutions to this problem are sought by different stake-holders. Based on its analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of these solutions, this paper argues that, considering the current Gaokao's policy framework, three measures should be taken to solve this problem.

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KE Zheng . More Emphasis on Science Subjects in Gaokao Reform[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2018 , 36(3) : 13 -24+166 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.03.002


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