Focusing on quality and equityin admission, the paper takes Zhejiang Normal University as the research object and compares the performances of the students enrolled through "Trinity" Comprehensive Evaluation in the college entrance examination. The findings show that, despite the gaps between programs and grades, the performance of students enrolled through "Trinity" Evaluation as a whole is better than the reference group in terms of program identity, GPA, participation in the Party and student unions, as well as awards and honors. The data also reveal that "Trinity" Comprehensive Evaluation and enrollment are more favorable to urban students. The paper concludes that "Trinity" Comprehensive Evaluation and enrollment should be employed more cautiously and improved.
LI Yunxing
JIANG Hongyou
LU Chengjia
CHEN Tianyun
ZHANG Zhenliang
LOU Yingwei
LI Weijian
. Quality and Equity: A Case Study of the “Trinity” Evaluation and Enrollment in Higher Education Institutions[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2018
, 36(3)
: 41
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.03.005
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