In order to build the national innovation system, research institutions and universities need to improve their research productivity. Existing research focus on the characteristics of the researchers themselves, and few studies examine the effects of support staff. We use data from the statistical yearbook of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to examine the effects of support staff (administrative cadres and workers) on scientific research productivity through the method of dynamic panel system GMM. Our study finds that the effects of support staff on scientific research output (international and domestic publications) have an inverted u-shape. Compared with the research findings, the number of support staff employed by CAS is still insufficient. More attention should be given to the appropriate number of ratio of support staff to research staff in the future.
HA Wei
YU Jiaxin
. The Effects of Administrative Support on Faculty Research Productivity: An Analysis of Chinese Academy of Sciences[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2019
, 37(1)
: 83
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.010
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