In the process of new urbanization, education and training have brought migrant workers not only monetary benefits such as an increase in income, but also non-monetized benefits such as the promotion of the level of citizenization. Based on the self-designed questionnaire and data collected among migrant workers working in Suzhou City, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of migrant workers' citizenization, and verifies the positive effect of education and training on the creation of non-monetized benefit by improving the level of migrant workers' citizenization. The study draws the following four conclusions. First, migrant workers' citizenization can be measured from four dimensions of citizenization willingness, economic life condition, social relations, and political participation. Second, migrant workers' citizenization is in the moderate upward level, but there are great differences between the four dimensions. Third, school education has a positive effect on the citizenization of migrant workers, which excludes the dimension of political participation. And only the migrant workers who have received high school education or above will improve their citizenization level with the increase of education. Fourth, training has also a significant positive effect on the citizenization of migrant workers. And the number of training has significant positive effects on the citizenization. Training cycle and effect have significant positive effects on the citizenization, which excludes the dimension of political participation, and the positive effect of training effect is the strongest.
Cui Yuping
Wu Ying
. The Effect of Education and Training on Migrant Workers' Citizenization in a Non-Monetization Benefit Perspective: Evidence from Suzhou City[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2019
, 37(2)
: 94
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.011
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