Quantitative research of education as one of the most important paradigm develops very fast in China. However, its quality and reliability are being questioned. In order to figure out how to improve the quality of quantitative research of education, this article explores the classification of disciplines, and defines education as a comprehensive practical discipline. After analyzing the mission of quantitative research of education in the context of the classification of disciplines, the author discusses the problems with quantitative research of education in China and introduces the experience of economics in handling the relevant issue. Finally, the authors put forward some strategies to improve the quality of quantitative research of education.
Du Yuhong
Zang Lin
. Classification of Disciplines and Improved Quality of Quantitative Research of Education[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2019
, 37(4)
: 38
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.04.004
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