The term "performance" is commonly used in the field of education, but without an agreed academic definition, it is an unfamiliar common term in education. Performance occurs among people, that is, people show their character and ability to others in a visible way. Performance is a way of existence of human beings, which not only demonstrates human excellence, but also has many limitations. The birth of schools is actually a "stage" event, which is the beginning of education separated from life and being the object of "being seen". In the history of education, the way to resist the performance of education is mainly reflected in opposing "being seen",but rather in "seeing" society and realistic politics. Through the two stages of "disciplined performance" and "re-evolution" of performance, schools are now dominated by performance. The "performance" of school leads to the loss of educational autonomy, the loss of seeking truth and good, the externalization of education and the loss of enthusiasm. To a certain extent, schools have become a force against education, which has also exacerbated the crisis of education. Only by finding the "antidote" can education get out of the crisis.
Gao Desheng
. The Performing School and Educational Crisis[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2019
, 37(6)
: 16
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.06.002
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