The Confusion of the Higher Trait of Higher Vocational and Technical Education and its Current Solution

  • Kuang Ying
  • Institute of Vocational and Adult Education, East China Normal University; The National Research Institute for Teaching Materials of TVET, Shanghai 200062, China

Online published: 2020-01-03


Higher vocational education in China has ushered in a period of development opportunities. However, the basic positioning of higher vocational and technical education is still a pain point, especially for the definition of “higher trait”, which affects the growth of higher vocational and technical education to some extent. It’s essential to understand the connotation of “higher character”. The confusion of the connotation of “higher trait” is one of the inborn particularities in China, which is also accordant with the trend of the development of higher education. The connotation of “higher trait” has experienced three doctrines including “equal cultural level”,“technical education position” and “high skills”. In the present era, those three doctrines are all out of date. It is of importance to build up a new connotation of “higher trait” of higher vocational and technical education based on the notion of “Type Education”. Through the new connotation, the higher vocational and technical education will present a complete new pattern.

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Kuang Ying . The Confusion of the Higher Trait of Higher Vocational and Technical Education and its Current Solution[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2020 , 38(1) : 12 -22 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.01.002


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