Strengthening Applied Research: The Road to Professional Construction in Higher Vocational Colleges Under “Double High Program”

  • Bin Enlin
  • Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education, East China Normal University; The National Research Institute for Teaching Materials of TVET, Shanghai 200062, China

Online published: 2020-01-03


In order to implement the “National Vocational Education Reform Implementation Plan”, China has issued the “Double High Program” related policy documents, aiming to build a batch of high-level higher vocational colleges and programs. This should be another opportunity to improve the professional connotation of higher vocational colleges. The traditional professional construction path can no longer function again. It is necessary to strengthen the technical application research focusing on technology and product research and development, so that higher vocational colleges can go beyond the previous professional construction in the curriculum reform, teaching reform, teacher reform and other paths. This can help vocational colleges play their own unique professional advantages. However, at present, the application of high-level applied research still faces a series of problems such as difficult to obtain problems. It’s difficult for higher vocational colleges to conduct research project, apply research results, form methods and teams, and construct indicator systems. Therefore, it's suggested that all the problems should be addressed systematically.

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Bin Enlin . Strengthening Applied Research: The Road to Professional Construction in Higher Vocational Colleges Under “Double High Program”[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2020 , 38(1) : 33 -42 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.01.004


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