The Evolution of Internal Governance Models for Western Universities: From Collegial Governance to Entrepreneurial Governance

  • Zhu Jian
  • The P.K. Tin Institute of Educational Science, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, Zhejiang China

Online published: 2020-01-03


The internal governance model (IGM) is one of the key issues for university governance. Against the background of emphasizing the improvement of internal university governance for contemporary Chinese universities, this paper systematically reviews the evolution of IGMs for western universities. Generally, there are four governance models that have emerged chronologically, and they are collegial governance, bureaucratic governance, managerial governance and entrepreneurial governance. The four IGMs have to some extent reflected on the four different kinds of context where western universities operate. The four chronological models have not been replaced by each other; rather, they have coexisted for a period of time. The evolution of IGMs for western universities has characterized the following two trends. Firstly, academic power has been ensured to some extent. Secondly, the execution of administrative power has been increasingly professional. Undoubtedly, the reform of IGMs for western universities is still ongoing. Network governance is therefore regarded as a possible solution to the weaknesses of the existing four IGMs theoretically; however, it deserves more practical examination. The evolution of IGMs for western universities could offer some solutions for the governance reform of China’s higher education institutions.

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Zhu Jian . The Evolution of Internal Governance Models for Western Universities: From Collegial Governance to Entrepreneurial Governance[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2020 , 38(1) : 85 -96 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.01.008


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