Under the Belt and Road Initiative, the cross-border ethnic education is endowed with new connotation. It is necessary to construct innovative values for cross-border ethnic education, which is not only to build a regional educational development community to promote the development of cross-border ethnic education or strengthen the multilateral cooperation to drive the development of education, but also to strengthen the common understanding of peace and cooperation to safeguard social prosperity and stability in border areas, maintain social prosperity and stability in border areas or promote interconnection with the people of neighboring countries. With the development of the Belt and Road Initiative, the cross-border ethnic education has changed and presents new characteristics. Firstly, the content system has evolved to diversity. Secondly, the mode of development has become active and advanced. Thirdly, the function of cross-border ethnic education orients to service domestic and aboard. Therefore, in order to further promote the sustainable development of cross border ethnic education in the new era, it is necessary to reconstruct the structural system and enhance the quality of cross border ethnic education and build the education centers along the Belt and Road. Also, various social forces should be united to promote the coordinated development of cross-border ethnic education and society; information technology should be integrated into educational area to support the information exchange and of cross-border ethnic education.
Chen Shijian
Wang Yuan
. From Ethnic Education to Cross-border Open Education: Transformation of Cross-border Ethnic Education under the Belt and Road Initiative[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2020
, 38(4)
: 18
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.04.002
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