Based on the 2006—2017 study period, the PVAR model used the study to empirically analyze the number of international students from 44 sample countries along the Belt and Road route and the ongoing impact of China's direct investment in China. On the whole, there is a significant interdependence between the two. The results show that the growth of OFDI scale has a significantly positive impact on the inflow of international students in the countries along the route in the short term, which is a strong driving force for the further development of the relationship between the two countries and has a certain guiding effect. The overall quality is not high and its economic contribution rate is low. While OFDI expansion has a certain pull for its own further development, the motivation is not enough,Influenced by the internationalization level of higher education in China, and the status of the international value chain and other factors, the contribution of bilateral talent stock to attracting international students to come to China is limited. Therefore, the study holds that the government should reasonably evaluate the investment environment of the countries along the route and intensively operate the OFDI development model for the optimization of the location resource structure and improve the global value chain. At the same time, it’s important to set up an international talent exchange system and improve the quality assurance system of study international education for, the development of China's core competitiveness of human resources.
Cai Wenno
Yan Jiali
. An Empirical Study on the Relationship between International Students from Countries along The Belt and Road and China’s Foreign Direct Investment[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2020
, 38(4)
: 30
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.04.003
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