Karl Marx’s Thinking on Education: Construction Embedded in Emancipation of the Working Class

  • Jianguo Zhang
  • School of Educational Sciences, Xinyang Normal University, Henan Xinyang 464000, China

Online published: 2021-02-07


Based on Richard S. Peters’ concept of education as criteria of value judgment and the evolution of educational values disclosed by Chen Gui-sheng, the paper explores the way Karl Marx thinks of education. His thinking of education is located in his evaluation of labor, fighting and instruction, the analysis of which indicates that Marx’s thinking is rooted in his construction of the working class’ emancipation. The author investigates into how educational values are embedded into Marx’s evaluation of three sorts of praxis above from the perspective of working class’ emancipation, and into the specialty of Marx’s thinking from the perspective of educational values. The analysis shows that it is impossible to master Marx’s educational thoughts without his theory of the working class’ emancipation, and that Marx values culture (“Bildung”) over the narrow-sense educational value, the imbalance of which may be relevant to the way Marx thinks of morality and the formation of moral characters.

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Jianguo Zhang . Karl Marx’s Thinking on Education: Construction Embedded in Emancipation of the Working Class[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2021 , 39(2) : 15 -29 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.02.002


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