Characteristics of Different Teacher Groups’ Teaching Behavior Improvement Based on Experiential Learning Cycle

  • Lu Wang ,
  • Ruxia Ma ,
  • Le Peng
  • 1. College of Education, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China
    2. Beijing COP Education Consulting & Service Co. Ltd., Beijing 100089, China

Online published: 2021-02-07


Teaching behavior has a direct influence on the effectiveness of teaching. Improvement of teaching behavior is a dynamic process and has group characteristics. Based on the theory of experiential learning circle, this study focused on the continuous improvement of 71 teachers’ teaching behavior in two years. 350 classes of these teachers were studied by the method of content analysis, in order to investigate the characteristics of teaching behavior improvement of novice teacher group, competent teacher group and proficient teacher group. This study indicated that the two-year continuous teaching behavior improvement process based on the experiential learning circle made great achievements, and all three groups of teachers improved the openness of the question. The common difficulties in behavior improvement of three teacher groups are engaging students in discussion and encouraging students to ask questions. The improvement of teachers’ teaching behavior was not significant in the stages of reflective observation and abstract conceptualization in experiential learning cycle. The focus of the three groups of teachers’ teaching behavior improvement has notable difference. The teaching behavior and learning stage that is most difficult to make improvement for proficient teachers are different from that for novice teachers and competent teachers. Novice teachers and competent teachers have different difficulties in teaching behavior improvement. Besides, the stage that is most difficult to make improvement is the same for these two groups. The teaching behavior improvement characteristics of different teacher groups found in this research can optimize the teaching behavior improvement methods and strategies, provide theoretical foundation for more targeted services that support teaching behavior improvement, and enrich relevant research on teaching behavior improvement.

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Lu Wang , Ruxia Ma , Le Peng . Characteristics of Different Teacher Groups’ Teaching Behavior Improvement Based on Experiential Learning Cycle[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2021 , 39(2) : 61 -74 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.02.006


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