
An Empirical Study on the Influencing Factors of Teachers’ Willingness to Participate in School Governance: Analysis Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior

  • Yemei Wei ,
  • Guorui Fan
  • 1. School of Teacher Education, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing 211171, China
    2. Institute of Educational Governance, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Online published: 2021-04-22


It is an inevitable requirement for the modernization of school governance to promote the participation of multiple subjects including teachers. Based on a questionnaire survey of 442 middle school teachers in Shanghai, this paper analyzes the mechanism that affects teachers’ willingness to participate in school governance under the framework of the theory of planned behavior. The results show that subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and participation attitude have a significant positive impact on teachers’ participation in school governance. Besides, subjective norms and perceived behavior control can not only directly and positively predict teachers’ willingness to participate in school governance, but also indirectly affect teachers’ willingness to participate in school governance through participation attitude. Also, the mediating effect of subjective norms on teachers’ willingness to participate in governance is moderated by teachers’ identity and teaching age, and the effect of non-representatives of teachers’ Congress and novice teachers is more obvious. It is necessary to strengthen the publicity of the idea of participation and create a good atmosphere for participation. In addition, it’s important to pay attention to feedback, improve teachers’ sense of participation efficiency, make good use of incentive mechanism and change teachers’ attitude to participate in governance. Finally, expanding the scope of participation, especially the participation of novice teachers and non-representatives in school governance is helpful.

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Yemei Wei , Guorui Fan . An Empirical Study on the Influencing Factors of Teachers’ Willingness to Participate in School Governance: Analysis Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2021 , 39(4) : 73 -82 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.04.007


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