
Research on Competency of Teaching-research Officers: Construction and Application of Multi Structure Level Model

  • Shengquan Luo ,
  • Jiali Zhao
  • Center for Studies of Education and Psychology of Ethnic Minorities/Faculty of Education, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China

Online published: 2021-05-24


Teaching-research officers play an important role in teaching reform of basic education, improved quality of regional education and the transformation and development of teaching research. Their competency level can directly affect the teaching-research system, teaching-research theory or teaching-research practice, and determine the construction of teaching-research system with Chinese characteristics. In order to identify the professional characteristics and outstanding professional performance of teaching-research officers, their competency structure was difined, based on mathematical evidence-based thinking and combined with behavioral event interview, questionnaire survey and other methods. Also, a theoretical model of teaching-research officers' competency was constructed, including professional knowledge, curriculum construction, teaching development, scientific research, organizational leadership and professional quality. Then we used this model to explore the development level and function mechanism of teaching-research officers. We find that they are generally competent for teaching and research work, outstanding in professional quality, teaching development and organizational leadership, but with unstable performance in curriculum construction and scientific research. In order to confirm the different performance of the competency development, under the guidance of big data concept and algorithm thinking, we used cluster analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and other methods to explore the sample data. It is found that there are obvious differences in competency development among teaching-research officers and there are three types of officers: "passive and survival ", "happy and potential" and "active and strong". In addition, the mechanism of faculty member competency is also clarified. It's found that faculty member self-efficacy has a direct impact on competency, and organizational climate mainly affects competency through faculty member self-efficacy. At present, in order to promote the innovative application of the competency model, we can focus on the construction of teaching-research theory discourse system with Chinese characteristics, meet the development requirements of teaching-research system of basic education in the new era. It's also important to improve the in-out mechanism of “selection, evaluation and appointment” and support the transformation of teaching-research officers with high-quality professional and innovative vision.

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Shengquan Luo , Jiali Zhao . Research on Competency of Teaching-research Officers: Construction and Application of Multi Structure Level Model[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2021 , 39(5) : 68 -84 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.05.004


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