Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) >
Chen Bochui’s Textbook Practice and Thinking
Online published: 2021-11-23
Chen Bochui made important contribution to Chinese textbooks, especially to primary school Chinese textbooks. Between the 1930s and 1950s, he successively worked in Beixin Bookstore, Children Publishing House, National Institute for Compilation and Translation, People’s Education Press, when he compiled multiple textbooks and teaching references, such as Beixin Mandarin Textbooks (1932), Renaissance Mandarin Textbook (1934), National Mandarin Common Sense Textbook for Primary School (1943), Mandarin Textbooks for Senior Primary Schools (1945), Mandarin Textbooks for Junior Primary Schools (1955), the first national textbook of the People’s Republic, and Mandarin Textbooks for Senior Primary Schools (1957), etc. Besides, he made intensive study on primary school textbooks and Chinese textbooks. His research was concerned on definition, meaning, purpose, types, compilation principles, preparation methods of textboosk, relationship between textbooks and Children’s reading and his textbook ideas is original, systematical, theory integrated with practice.
Key words: Chen Bochui; textbook thinking; textbook editor; primary school; Chinese textbook; ?
Ge Guo . Chen Bochui’s Textbook Practice and Thinking[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2021 , 39(12) : 116 -125 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.12.009
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