Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) >
To What Extent Does the Course “Moral and Civic” Affect Students’ National Identity: Based on an Empirical Survey of Primary and Secondary School Students in Macao
Online published: 2022-01-20
This study used self-compiled national identity, Moral and Civic Course Perception questionnaire, and cluster sampling method to investigate primary and secondary school students in Macao. The results show that the overall level of national identity is above average, and the emotional domain is slightly higher than the cognitive and behavioral domains. There were significant differences in gender, grade, father’s nationality and parents’ educational level, especially in grade. Most students have a good perception of the objective and content of the course, but the teaching methods and evaluation methods are not diversified. There are significant differences in the factors of curriculum perception among the groups of gender, grade, mother’s nationality and mother’s education level, which is still the most significant difference among grade. National identity is closely related to the course perception of “Moral and Civic”, and the degree of curriculum goal perception is a key factor affecting national identity, but teachers’ teaching methods and evaluation methods have little influence on national identity.It is recommended to pay attention to the differences in nationally recognized grades, to lay a solid foundation for the lower grades, and to check for omissions in the upper grades. Family education is a key link in the implementation of national identity education. It is imperative to offer “parent curriculum” to pay attention to mother education. “Moral and Civic” is one of the key courses to carry out the fundamental task of cultivating people by virtue. The implementation of the course needs to improve the documents of Basic Academic Competence to guide teachers to optimize the teaching methods and evaluation methods.
Chenzhi Li , Shuting Liang , Xiaoming Guo . To What Extent Does the Course “Moral and Civic” Affect Students’ National Identity: Based on an Empirical Survey of Primary and Secondary School Students in Macao[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2022 , 40(2) : 57 -70 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.02.005
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