
From Coping to Adaptation: Analysis of the Characteristics of Different Principals’ Online Teaching Leadership Behavior: Investigation and Research Report IV on Online Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools in Jiangsu Province

  • Xiaowei Zhao ,
  • Hongyu Shao ,
  • Shusheng Shen
  • School of Education Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China

Online published: 2022-03-29


It is of great significance to scientifically evaluate the online teaching leadership behavior of principals during the epidemic period, correctly measure the adaptation and sustainability of online teaching, and judge the main teaching modes adopted by schools in the future. According to the time line, this study examines the changes of online teaching leadership behavior of different principals. This study is based on the large-scale online teaching survey authorized by Jiangsu Education Department. We collect 3,668 valid questionnaires from primary and secondary school principals, and conduct descriptive statistical analysis, Chi square test and one-way ANOVA, supplemented by interviews with 17 principals. The results show that different principals’ online teaching leadership behaviors show common characteristics, and the adaptation shows a trend of increasing assimilation level and stabilizing or reducing sustainable willingness. Then, according to the characteristics of differences, the study depicts four types of principals, namely, the temporary change of opportunity, the change of time, the adaptation to circumstances and the change of initiative. Finally, the study puts forward the promotion strategies that are consistent with different principals, namely, transcending path dependence to promote cognitive evolution, acquiring effective knowledge to expand opportunity space, focusing on reflective learning to create synergy, and establishing future vision based on action research.

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Xiaowei Zhao , Hongyu Shao , Shusheng Shen . From Coping to Adaptation: Analysis of the Characteristics of Different Principals’ Online Teaching Leadership Behavior: Investigation and Research Report IV on Online Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools in Jiangsu Province[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2022 , 40(4) : 61 -76 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.04.005


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