Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) >
Identity Separation and Identity Crisis: Research on the Professional Commitment of Non-staff Teachers under the Rural Revitalization Strategy
Accepted date: 2022-03-02
Online published: 2022-05-31
Based on the data collected from a survey of 2,196 non-staff teachers in 12 provinces and in-depth interviews with 36 non-staff teachers, this research systematically explored the professional commitment of non-staff teachers in public primary and secondary schools. The study finds that the professional commitment of non-staff teachers in my country is at a low level, and the low-level professional commitment behavior is essentially a strategy for non-staff teachers to adapt to and respond to inequality and identity crises in their daily work. Non-staff teachers have a professional identity crisis through the self-categorization of their identities and the “non-recognition” of their identities by others, and they tend to make low professional commitment such as escape, compromise, and daily resistance. The low professional commitment performance of non-staff teachers is mainly affected by two mechanisms: cost-benefit analysis and pay-return imbalance.
Yunyun Li , Shanhuai Liu , Ailei Xie . Identity Separation and Identity Crisis: Research on the Professional Commitment of Non-staff Teachers under the Rural Revitalization Strategy[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2022 , 40(6) : 31 -43 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.06.003
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