Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) >
The Impact of Family Cultural Capital on Students’ Reading Literacy: An Empirical Study Based on Multilevel Logistic Model
Online published: 2022-07-26
Based on the PISA2018 B-J-S-Z data, this study uses a multi-layer logistic model to analyze the impact of institutionalized family cultural capital, specific family cultural capital and objective family cultural capital on students’ reading literacy, and explores the urban-rural and gender differences of the impact on students’ reading literacy further. The results show that the increase of three kinds of family cultural capital will have a positive predictive effect on students’ reading literacy, but there are significant urban-rural and gender differences in the impact of different types on students’ reading literacy. The differences between urban and rural areas are as follows: institutionalized family cultural capital only has a significant impact on urban students’ reading literacy; in the objective family cultural capital, family educational resources have a significant impact on rural students’ reading literacy, and family cultural resources have a significant impact on urban students’ reading literacy. Gender differences are as follows: the family cultural resources of objectifying family cultural capital have a significant impact on girls’ reading literacy, but there is no significant impact on boys’ reading literacy.
Key words: family cultural capital; reading literacy; multilevel logistic model; PISA
Xiaohong Li , shan Wang , Chen Chen , Jie Yang , Xiangli Tang . The Impact of Family Cultural Capital on Students’ Reading Literacy: An Empirical Study Based on Multilevel Logistic Model[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2022 , 40(8) : 57 -66 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.08.006
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