Open the Black-box of “Informational Learning Style”: Discussions Based-on Don Ihde’s Phenomenology of Technology

  • Wenxin Chen ,
  • Jing Zhao
  • 1. College of Teacher Education, Capital Normal University, Beijng 100048, China
    2. Faculty of Education, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China

Online published: 2022-09-29


Recent massive application of information technology has led to a great reform of learning style. Compared with emerging practical models, there is lack of profound theory. As a current philosophical leader in the fields of phenomenology of technology, Don Ihde integrated phenomenology with pragmatism together. On that basis, he opened “Experience turning” up to philosophy of technology firstly. Given his theory, it was clear that informational learning style involved complex kinds of relation between machine and human, such as “embodiment relation”, “hermeneutic relation” and “background relation”. Therefore, to focus on only one “relation” and see it as the essence are not the right choice for exploring informational learning style. In the long run, there are some principles which can benefit informational learning style research, including breaking through limitations of reductionism and dualism, transcending confrontation between engineering paradigm and humanism paradigm, emphasizing on mutual promotion of practice and theory, and developing study research continually in the perspective of complexity theory.

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Wenxin Chen , Jing Zhao . Open the Black-box of “Informational Learning Style”: Discussions Based-on Don Ihde’s Phenomenology of Technology[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2022 , 40(10) : 100 -107 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.10.009


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