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    20 October 2020, Volume 38 Issue 10 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    An Analysis of Teacher Performativity as a Global Issue: A Perspective of Biopolitics
    Chiang Tienhui
    2020, 38 (10):  1-20.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.10.001
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    Michel Foucault invents biopolitics to illustrate how contemporary society exercises the art of governing through shaping subjects’ subjectivity. Its purpose is to transform people into self-regulators. This governmentality derives from market freedom through which social members can engage in free choices and practice democratic values. This rationalized automation embodies the mechanism of political economy that lets government change its subjects moving from society to population. Creating freedom enables the government to reshape their self-knowledge. Accordingly, neoliberalism becomes the gateway for accomplishing the art of governing. In order to administer their lifestyles, the state devotes itself to creating freedom. According to this principle, both public managerialism and performativity not only perform the ideas of free market logic but also secure the practice of governing technologies. Drawing upon biopolitics, this essay sets out to explore why performativity becomes a prevailing world issue and how it operates. Its analytical focus is how the government employs international competitiveness to broadcast the discourse of collective responsibility commanding teachers to become self-improvers. Considering the regime of performance management, it also sheds light on a related issue on how the state constitutes their self-consciousness through ethics, which turns teachers into the implementers of performativity. As self becomes the site of power struggle, this essay also explores why and how teachers enact education policies.
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    An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Human Capital and Physical Capital to Economic Growth: Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Human Capital Theory
    Huang Yifan, Ding Xiaohao, Chen Ran, Min Weifang
    2020, 38 (10):  21-33.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.10.002
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    The comparison of the contribution of human capital and physical capital to economic growth is a core issue of economics of education. We use traditional GDP and green GDP to measure economic growth, adopt panel data from 143 countries and regions from 1990 to 2014, introduce human capital into the Solow model to compare the output elasticity of human capital and physical capital and analyze their elastic ratios at different economic levels and different industrial structures. The result shows that both traditional GDP and green GDP are more flexible to human capital than to physical capital. Also, compared with traditional GDP, green GDP, which reflects the level of sustainable economic development, is more sensitive to the changes of human capital, especially when it is an economy in a more developed stage. This research provides an empirical basis for a deeper understanding of the role of human capital in economic growth.
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    Contribution of Education Human Capital to the Development of Green Economy: Based on the Analysis of Threshold Characteristics of Industrial Structure Changes
    Cai Wenbo, Huang Jinsheng, Yuan Xue
    2020, 38 (10):  34-47.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.10.003
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    Facing increasingly serious ecological and environmental issues, it is essential to strengthen the core role of human capital in green development. Using the provincial panel data from 2000 to 2017 in China, this paper empirically examined the impact of education human capital on the green economy, and analyzed the threshold characteristics of industrial structure changes. The research results show that education human capital has significantly promoted the development of green economy. Also, the threshold characteristic of industrialization level between education human capital and green economy is remarkable. With the rising level of industrialization, the green effect of education human capital is increasing, and this phenomenon has regional universality. The threshold characteristics of industrial upgrading are not significant, but under the constraints of industrialization, it has a significant role in promoting the green economy as a whole. In addition, with the improvement of green economy, the green effect of education human capital does not show an increasing trend, and the green benefit is the lowest at the middle level of green economy. Based on the above conclusions, we put forward some suggestions to strengthen the investment in education and optimize the industrial structure, in order to fully tap the green benefits of education human capital under the industrial changes.
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    On the Misconceptions about Key Competences
    Yang Xiangdong
    2020, 38 (10):  48-59.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.10.004
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    Emerging from the fast-growing discussions about key competences are a few misconceptions and improper claims.Some consider key competences as key abilities, essential characters or important values; some view domain-specific key competences as the decomposed lower-level realization of the cross-disciplinary key competences; others argue that key competences can be cultivated beyond any specific domain and situations and promoting competence development must go through the cognitive hierarchy as specified in Bloom’s taxonomy of learning outcome, etc. Such misconceptions or claims are primarily due to lack of proper understanding of the epistemology and conceptualization underlying the concept of key competence as well as the new learning perspectives it implies. This article discusses such issues critically based on the relevant theoretical perspectives.
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    Limits of Big Data Application in Education
    Tang Hanwei, Zhang Jiangkun
    2020, 38 (10):  60-68.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.10.005
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    The application of big data boosts educational changes with broad prospects, but it is far from being omnipotent, instead it has certain boundaries and limits. It is conducive to the rational application and development of big data in education to attain self-reflections on and insights into the limits of the application of big data in education. Ontological limit, epistemic limit, value limit and ethical limit constitute the basic limits of application of big data in education. The ontological limit means that big data in education cannot be equated with a true and complete educational world in an ontological sense. The epistemic limit refers to the flaw of big data as a new angle of understanding education. The value limit refers to the impossibility of the instrumental value of big data in education to cover the cultivation value of education. Finally, the ethical limit means that the application of big data to education is inevitably bound by ethics, in addition to being controlled by the logic of technology.
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    The Unsustainability of the Listing of Educational Assets: Based on an Empirical Analysis of Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listed Educational Enterprises
    Dong Shengzu
    2020, 38 (10):  78-88.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.10.007
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    The “Variable Interest Entity” (VIE), derived from the “Red Chip Model”, realizes the consolidation of financial statements by controlling the operating entity through agreement, which is currently the main framework adopted by domestic educational institutions to list abroad in China. In this way, some overseas listed educational institutions have bypassed domestic legal supervision in order to raise the stock price, relying on asset mergers and acquisitions and factor restructuring to rapidly expand the scale of schools, controlling a large number of non-profit non-governmental schools directly or in disguise, resulting in “unilateralism” in school governance. Meanwhile, many actual controllers of such institutions use various “related transactions” to master school operating costs as well as the school balances, and obtain “grey returns” from them, resulting in reduced teaching input and declining quality of education. With the continuous improvement of laws and regulations, the government will strictly regulate and supervise the changes of organizers (actual controllers), mergers and acquisitions of school assets and related transactions. Educational listed enterprises rely on the unconventional operation of VIE framework, therefore can only be short-term prosperity and unsustainable. Existing overseas listed educational enterprises and many entity schools directly or indirectly controlled by them should return to the right path as soon as possible. In addition, they should adhere to the public welfare nature of education, as well as running schools in accordance with the law, regulation and integrity.
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    Research on School Safety and its Legislation: From the Perspective of Risk Regulatory
    Shen Suping, Zhou Hang
    2020, 38 (10):  89-100.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.10.008
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    Since the reform and opening-up, the legal regulation of school risk in China has gone through the stages of policy regulation, legal regulation and comprehensive regulation. It has initially established a legal regulation system of school risk which is dominated by the government, participated by multiple subjects and connected with the public security governance system in China. From the perspective of risk regulatory, there are many deficiencies in the principles, purposes, subjects and methods of risk regulatory. In order to promote the formulation of Regulation of School Safety, we should establish the principle of risk prevention, reconstruct the purpose of risk regulatory, expand the activities of risk regulatory and redefine regulatory space.
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    Reconstruction of the Connotation of “The Aged”: Lifelong Learning Based on Non-reflexive Existence——Dialogues between Naren Gaowa, Ma Lihua and Atsushi Makino
    Naren Gaowa, Ma Lihua, Atsushi Makino
    2020, 38 (10):  101-109.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.10.009
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    Japan has now entered into a super aged society and high consumption society. Its most obvious characteristics are the super aged population structure and the diversity and immediacy of social values. The development of society makes itself give up the reflexive characteristic based on continuity and consistency, and the social convention and thinking mode of industrial society in the past began to appear. In this kind of society, people’s life style has changed. The connotation of “social participation” and “development” of the aged is also very different from that of the past. Even the “existence” of the aged presents new characteristics, which is a non reflexive existence. In order to adapt to the development of the super aged and high consumption society, and promote the comprehensive development of return education and lifelong learning, the whole society needs to face up to the reconstruction and innovation of the connotation of “the aged”. This is also of great significance for the development of lifelong learning and education for the aged in China.
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    An Empirical Research on the Employment of Chinese University and College New Graduates Under the Impact of COVID-19
    Li Tao, Sun Nuan, Wu Zhihui, Shan Na
    2020, 38 (10):  110-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.10.010
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    The dual pressures of employment and the COVID-19 have made the employment of new college graduates unprecedentedly difficult. The research group conducted a comprehensive survey on the employment of university and college graduates in 34 provinces of China, autonomous regions and municipalities during the epidemic from April to June, 2020. Based on the collected data, we have the following research findings. Half of the after-tax salary was concentrated at 3001 to 5000 RMB, and the stability of the job on arrival was relatively high.The subjective factors of unemployed graduates and the objective epidemic situation increased the difficulty of employment. Job location and salary were the most valued by the new graduates. The epidemic did not significantly changed the employment expectations of unemployed graduates. The expected job type offers a poor match with the employers’ main job type, at the same time, the expected salary of the unemployed graduates was usually higher than the actual salary of the employed graduates and the national monthly disposable income. Graduates' satisfaction evaluation of college employment guidance service was generally positive. However, the issues such as small scale of full-time teachers, professional level was not high etc. Through a logistic regression analysis, it was found that gender, place of origin, family economic status, school type, school level, subject type, subject level, educational background, academic performance, foreign language level, expected salary, job-hunting cost and entrepreneurial consideration had significant differences in influencing employment among different groups. Meanwhile, the four employment problems tend to be ignored and need to be taken seriously. Greater attention must be paid to unemployed graduates from rural areas, the precise assistance of graduates who face financial difficulties in finding jobs; concealed and unavoidable employment discrimination against rural graduates; the issue of substantively helping graduates start businesses to promote employment.
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