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    20 June 2021, Volume 39 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Scale and Structure of Higher Education and Public Educational Funding in China: An Empirical Prediction till 2035
    Changjun Yue, Wenqi Qiu
    2021, 39 (6):  1-16.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.06.001
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    With China’s higher education entering the stage of popularization, its future development has become a widespread concern. Combining the dimensions of supply and demand, this paper employs the statistical and econometric regression models to predict the scale and structure of higher education and public educational funding in China from 2021 to 2035. According to the empirical results, it is appropriate for the gross enrolment ratio of higher education in China to reach about 60% in 2025, 67% in 2030, and 75% in 2035. For the proportion of graduate enrolment, it is suitable to reach about 16% in 2025, 18% in 2030, and 20% in 2035. For the government expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP, it is suitable to reach about 4.4% in 2025, 4.5% in 2030, and 4.6% in 2035.

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    Multiple Versions of Pragmatism in Modern Chinese Contexts
    Hongliang Gu
    2021, 39 (6):  17-26.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.06.002
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    Since John Dewey’s visit in China in 1919—1921, pragmatism has become one of influential philosophical trends in modern China. Chinese scholars interpret the concept of pragmatism in many ways in different contexts. Chinese concept of pragmatism has at least six versions. Firstly, it refers to pragmatism educational thought which Huang Yanpei advocated in the 1920’s. Secondly, it means a philosophical movement in USA and modern China. Thirdly, it is John Dewey’s education thought and his Chinese students’ application. Fourthly, it refers to a theory of value which focus on instrumental utility and material effects. Fifthly, it refers to utilitarianism which Jeremy Bentham developed. Sixthly, it means egoism. These versions of pragmatism in modern China indicates six types of identity which reflects the complexity of understanding John Dewey’s pragmatism and sinicized reading of pragmatism in terms of the function of Chinese thoughts.

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    With Whom to Change the World: On John Dewey’s Educational Thinking of Cultivating Citizens with 4Cs Skills
    Zhengmei Peng
    2021, 39 (6):  27-42.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.06.003
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    “With whom to change the world” is not only a political issue, but also an educational issue. After Confucius, Plato, Rousseau and Marx, Dewey responded to this question and proposed to cultivate modern citizens with reflective thinking, communication, cooperation and creativity as the core to build the great community he advocated. This kind of 4Cs citizen discourse has profound cosmopolitan significance and is also regarded as the theoretical basis of the international 21st century skills-oriented education reform movement. This thinking of John Dewey is helpful to transform the traditional models such as “learning and thinking” and “unity of knowledge and action” in Chinese education into models such as “thinking, communicating and acting” and “cooperative problem solving”, thereby accelerating the cultivation of more competitive Chinese with a global perspective to cope with the uncertainty of the future and build a community with a shared future for mankind.

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    On John Dewey’s Philosophy of Children’s Curriculum
    Hua Zhang
    2021, 39 (6):  43-57.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.06.004
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    Dewey’s philosophy of curriculum is the core of his whole philosophy of education. Dewey’s view of children’s curriculum is the basis of his whole philosophy of curriculum. The basic problem of philosophy of curriculum is the problem of relationship between subject-matter logic and psychological experience. Subject-matter logic itself is not children’s curriculum, but it has intrinsic connections to children’s psychological experience: both share one reality; both have the nature of experience. If the appropriate environment and conditions are provided, children’s psychological experience can grow up into subject-matter logic. Children’s psychological experience and subject-matter logic form “two limits” of instructional process. The process of growing from the former to the latter is a continuous reconstruction of experience. The meaning of children’s curriculum is subject-matter elements in children’s present experience and the psychological aspect of subject-matters, which are mutually related. The classification of children’s curriculum is based on the principle of differentiation of subject-matters from social life. The subject of psychologizing subject-matters is teachers. Teachers’ arts of curriculum development are mainly interpretation and guidance. In today’s information age, Dewey’s view of children’s curriculum is still vital and vigorous.

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    John Dewey’ Visit to China and Ideal Conflicts in the Field of New Cultural Education
    Yong Zhou
    2021, 39 (6):  58-70.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.06.005
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    Before John Dewey’s reception of coming to China, Hu Shi had launched the moments of new cultural education in college liberal arts, pedagogy, and basic education. The arrival of Dewey provided Hu Shi, who suffered troubles caused by the outside political interference, with strong supports to carry forward his enterprise. Dewey was interested in Chinese democratic movement against the warlord government, hoping Chinese educators to seek for new ideal of the modern cultural education based on their own understanding of political situation and social progress. Hu Shi’s expectation for Dewey, however, was to escape the political reality, and to transmit the pragmatism in the Dewey’s educational, and social political philosophy. Meanwhile, Marxism also had begun to spread since Li Dazhao published a series of articles. Hu Shi provoked ideal conflicts to unify the new cultural education. Dewey had to help Hu Shi to expand the influence of pragmatism. It was not until the end of his journey in China that Dewey could express his real and kind concern of Chinese social political progress, before his pragmatism shaped by Hu Shi was erased by the rise of Marxism in the field of new cultural education in 1948.

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    An Issue of Teaching Critical Thinking: Argument or Inquiry?Insights from Russell, Dewey and Toulmin
    Liuhua Zhang
    2021, 39 (6):  71-81.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.06.006
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    Russell’s critique against Dewey’s new logic in the early 20th century is a symbol of some controversy over the orientation of critical thinking training. This article sets out from a conception of argument popular in earlier analytic philosophy, exemplified by the Principle of Clifford, and thereby examines the historical quarrel over “inquiry” between Russell and Dewey and its embarrassing outcome. After introducing the new conception of argument propounded eminently by Stephen Toulmin and embedding it in Dewey’s theory of inquiry, it is showed in what sense Russell’s criticism against Dewey was based upon some serious misunderstanding of Dewey’s methodology as well as of his key texts. At last, for the viewpoint of philosophy of education, this article suggests that the conception of argument-as-inquiry has the advantage of emphasizing arguers’ engaging in a variety of living experience and warning them against converting academic arguments into some sort of linguistic games.

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    The Logical Structure and Legislative Perfection of China’s Higher Education Legal System
    Hua Wang, Xiaobing Sun
    2021, 39 (6):  82-87.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.06.007
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    The logical starting point of China’s higher education legal system originates from China’s constitution, education law and its corresponding Chinese education legal system, which is the natural extension and logical expansion of China’s education legal system. However, the coexistence of Higher Education Law and Academic Degrees Ordinance has resulted in the technical separation of higher education legal system, and formed in the practice of rule of law the dual implementation system of management in higher education and academic discipline. Through the systematic analysis of the substantive structure and legislative mode of China’s higher education legal system, this paper puts forward that during the “fourteenth five-year plan” period, China’s higher education legal system should be improved from the aspects of codification, unification, hierarchy and classification.

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    The Civil Relief of the Right to Education: A Categorical Analysis
    Hang Zhou
    2021, 39 (6):  88-98.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.06.008
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    The civil relief of the right to education is an important problem that remains to be solved in academic circles and judicial practice. The current research is limited to the abstract and overall civil nature of the right to education, while neglecting to grasp the substance of the right, the type of infringement and the liability with the categorical analysis. The substance of the civil right to education is mainly the general personality right, but it is closely related to the property interests, so it should include the interests of the education personality and the interests of the education property. Therefore, the types of infringement can be divided into three types: infringing upon the education personality interests, infringing upon the education property interests and infringing upon both personality interests and property interests. In terms of tort liability, it can be divided into strict liability and fault liability according to different principles of liability. The establishment of the civil relief of the right to education is an important link to protect the legitimate rights and interests. We should further clarify the status of the right to education in the civil law and return to the nature of the right relief.

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    Paper-setting of China’s College Entrance Examination: National or Provincial? Study on County-and Municipal-level Senior High School Students’ Fair Opportunities to Be Admitted into Elite Universities
    Shoudeng Zhang, Congbin Guo
    2021, 39 (6):  99-111.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.06.009
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    County-level senior high schools provide education opportunities for people living in counties or lower administrative level, which accounts for nearly half of the total population in China. The paper-setting of the college entrance examination (CEE) has a direct impact on the opportunities for county-level senior high school students to enter elite universities. This study, based on data from elite university A’s undergraduate students from 2000 to 2018, used a two-way fixed-effect model to probe into the two reforms of paper-setting of the CEE and found that in the reform of “From National to Provincial”, provincial autonomous paper-setting significantly reduced the opportunities for county-level senior high school students to enter elite universities, while it also made the distribution of admission opportunities more balanced across high schools. In the reform of “From Provincial to National”, the two methods had no significant difference. The current form of national paper-setting with sub-versions ensured a balanced distribution of admission opportunities and successfully adapted to the different education levels among different regions. Meanwhile, the implementation of targeted enrollment plan in poor areas improved the admission opportunities of elite universities for county-level high school students. Therefore, the combination of the new form of national unified paper-setting of CEE and the targeted enrollment plan in poverty-stricken areas can guarantee the equality of educational opportunities from multiple dimensions.

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    Educational Fiscal Policy Interaction and Regional Coordinated Development: A Perspective of Spatial Spillover Effect
    Yingxuan Li, Yi Fang
    2021, 39 (6):  112-125.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.06.010
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    From the perspective of spatial spillover effects, we conduct a spatial econometric analysis on the panel data of 194 cities in China from 2004 to 2018. The purpose of our empirical test is to verify the existence of strategic interaction in education expenditures between local governments. Besides, the paper also aims at examining the intrinsic motivation and incentive mechanism of local government education expenditures. The results show that local governments have significant complementary strategic interactions with their geographical and demographic neighbors in education fiscal policy. Moreover, the education expenditures of local governments are significantly affected by economic basis, fiscal characteristics, institutional inertia and official promotion. We also found that governments in different regions have a heterogeneous feedback mechanism towards central budget. The governments in eastern region are more sensitive. Therefore, the education development plan of central government should take the spatial spillover effect and the regional heterogeneity into consideration. Only in this way can the plan better balance the allocation of educational resources and promote coordinated regional development.

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