Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) >
Viewing the Positioning of Teaching-research Functions from the “Merging of Teaching-research Institutions”: Based on the Concept of “Teaching-research” Perspective
Online published: 2021-05-24
In recent years, with the consolidation of teaching-research institutions and other departments, the function of teaching-research is weakened and the administrative function is becoming more and more obvious. From the perspective of the evolution of the concept of “teaching-research”, the generalization of the concept of “teaching-research” is closely related to the weakening of its function. Therefore, the premise of solving the problem of teaching-research function is to clarify the original meaning of the concept of “teaching-research”. Based on this, this paper argues that the following relations should be handled properly. First, shift the relationship between “teaching” and “learning”, from “teaching-oriented” to “teaching for learning”. Second, the relationship between “teaching” and “curriculum” should be changed from “teaching” to “curriculum”. Thirdly, in terms of the relationship between “experience” and “theory”, we should move from “discussing facts” to “theoretical guidance”.
Huimin Hu , Jie Ma , Xiangxin Zhang . Viewing the Positioning of Teaching-research Functions from the “Merging of Teaching-research Institutions”: Based on the Concept of “Teaching-research” Perspective[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2021 , 39(5) : 99 -107 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.05.006
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