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    20 July 2020, Volume 38 Issue 7 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Stage Characteristics of Large-Scale Online Teaching in Chinese Universities:Empirical Research Based on Group Investigation of Students, Faculty and Academic Staff
    Wu Daguang, Li Wen
    2020, 38 (7):  1-30.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.07.001
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    In order to fully understand the online teaching of colleges and universities in China during the coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in 2020, the online teaching research group of the Teacher Development Center of Xiamen University launched a questionnaire survey on online teaching. A total of 334 universities, 13,997 teachers and 256,504 students participated in the survey. The survey results show that the first large-scale online teaching in China has achieved or its intended purpose. It is a successful online teaching practice, which has important reference for the construction of colleges and universities in the post-epidemic era and the realization of blended teaching. However, due to the epidemic situation, the current large-scale online teaching, has shown many stage-specific characteristics in teachers’ and students’ preparation, teaching platform support, online services provided by the university, online teaching modes and features, online teaching effectiveness, the main factors affecting online teaching, the problems of online teaching, the challenges faced by teachers and students, and the suggestions for teachers and students to improve their online teaching and learning. In the long run, these staged characteristics leave room for promoting the subsequent teaching reform. Drawing on these phased features, this article proposes five relationships that need to be dealt with correctly from the perspective of education informatization in the post-epidemic era: the relationship between planning and market allocation of online teaching resources, hardware construction and teaching beliefs, fairness and efficiency, the understanding and practice of different subjects, and domestic practice and international experience.
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    How Online Teaching Can Help College Classroom Revolution:Understanding Large-Scale Online Teaching Under Epidemic Situation
    Liu Zhentian, Liu Qiang
    2020, 38 (7):  31-41.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.07.002
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    The online teaching survey conducted by the Teacher Development Center of Xiamen University during the epidemic period shows that the large-scale practice of online teaching in colleges and universities during the epidemic period has injected new tools, new ideas and new vitality into the traditional teaching, promoting a profound ideological innovation to the view of time and space, teaching, knowledge and governance of school education and teaching, and showed the light of hope of the classroom revolution in colleges and universities. At the same time, there are still many inherent limitations of online teaching in the classroom revolution, such as the hinderance of traditional teaching, the fragmentation of online learning, the dispelling of one-way education to spiritual growth, etc., which restrict the value release of online teaching in colleges and universities to the classroom revolution. Looking ahead, colleges and universities should grasp the trend of the vigorous development of internet information technology, comprehensively deepen the integration of information technology and school education, promote the reconstruction of school education and teaching ecology, promote the deep reform of teaching paradigm, and realize the revolution of teaching, learning and governance.
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    Research on Contributing Factors of University Students’ Online Learning Experience
    Chen Wuyuan, Jia Wenjun
    2020, 38 (7):  42-53.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.07.003
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    College students are the major subject of online learning, and to some extent, their online learning experience reflects teaching results and satisfactions. This study is based on the online teaching survey (student paper) compiled by the online teaching task group of the Teacher Development Center of Xiamen University. With a sample of 209099 valid student questionnaires from 334 universities in China the study presents a one-way analysis of variance, cluster analysis and multivariate linear regression analysis supplemented by collecting and collating qualitative data, interviewing ten students with different backgrounds. It finds that both students’ genders, disciplines, grades, regions, types of university and instructors' flexibility in using various platforms and students' proficiency in teaching tools during online teaching have become the significant factors affecting college students' online learning experience. Also, classroom live broadcast effects and mutual discussion among classmates can help improve the online learning experience. Universities, instructors and students are the major subjects of online learning, and they bear important responsibility in improving online learning experience. Therefore, universities should upgrade course platforms and offer more technical support, instructors should improve their IT skills, and students should change traditional learning methods and develop good learning habits.
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    Investigation and Research on College Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Online Teaching in Post-pandemic Era
    Zheng Hong, Xie Zuoxu, Wang Jing
    2020, 38 (7):  54-64.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.07.004
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    This study based on online teaching survey conducted by the Teacher Development Center of Xiamen University during the epidemic period, investigated the attitudes to post-pandemic online teaching of 13997 college teachers during the pandemic, and used statistical methods to analyze the differences in online teaching attitudes among teachers with different backgrounds and online teaching experiences. The study found that more than three fourths of college teachers are willing to adopt the “online + offline” hybrid teaching after the pandemic and online teaching experience is an important factor that affects teachers’ attitudes to post-pandemic online teaching; teachers from different types, levels, regions of universities and with different teaching ages and disciplines have significant differences in their willingness to improve online teaching. Teachers from different backgrounds unanimously ranked student improvement opinions as the most important factor to continue online teaching. The research discussion points out that the experience of online teaching during the pandemic is very beneficial to teachers’ online teaching after the pandemic; the differences in teaching improvement opinions reflect the differences in college teachers, universities conditions,teaching levels and disciplines, and the inertia of traditional teaching is an obstacle to online teaching; teachers should be clearer about their responsibilities as students’ learning guides. Finally, it puts forward suggestions to encourage more teachers to recognize and carry out post-pandemic online teaching after the pandemic from three aspects: college system, technical support and individual teachers.
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    Reflections and Recommendations on the Reform of Online Teaching Reform in Universities
    Xue Chenglong, Guo Yingxia
    2020, 38 (7):  65-74.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.07.005
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    The online teaching survey conducted by the Teacher Development Center of Xiamen University during the epidemic period shows that the coronavirus epidemic forced Chinese universities to directly switch from offline teaching to online teaching, leading the future online teaching a breakthroughat the theoretical and practical level. In the post-epidemic era, there will be four changes in online teaching reform: educational resources change from segmentation to sharing, student learning from linear to non-linear, curriculum reform from structured to unstructured, and educational technology from auxiliary means to deep integration and transformation with teaching.The article pointed out that in order to cope with these changes, we must strengthen the construction of infrastructure in the central and western regions, establish a sharing mechanism of higher education resources and a curriculum credit recognition mechanism.Besides, universities should provide students with more flexible learning arrangements; universities must change their narrow professional education thinking, establish a more open curriculum resource sharing mechanism, and comprehensively update and improve the academic evaluation system. Finally,universities must strengthen the construction of teaching platforms, reshape the university learning space, and comprehensively enhance teachers digital literacy .
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    Research Integrity and Academic Reputation: Reflections Based on Political Philosophy and Game Theory
    Wu Guanjun
    2020, 38 (7):  75-86.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.07.006
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    The issue of research integrity has become a socially heated topic since the Zhai Tianlin incident in early 2019. The same issue among Chinese researchers has attracted the attention of international academic community since the Han Chunyu incident in 2017. Instead of taking the ethical angle, this paper tackles the issue of research integrity by incorporating the analytical skills from political philosophy and the game theory. Maintaining research integrity and protecting academic reputation does not just egotistically and strategically protects the researchers themselves, but at the same while politically and socially protect the academic community.
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    The Conceptualization and Model Building of Instructional Leadership: Based on the Interview with Philip Hallinger
    Dong Hui, Li Lulu, Zhang Jie
    2020, 38 (7):  87-96.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.07.007
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    Instructional leadership (IL) is considered to be one of those key concepts and classic theoretical models in the field of educational leadership studies. For about forty years since it was launched in the middle of 1980s, this concept and model has guided researchers and even practitioners in their work all around the globe. The authors of this article recently conducted a thematic interview with Philip Hallinger, one of the founding scholars who first developed a clear conceptualization of instructional leadership, and made it possible to look at the process of the development and change of this concept and theory from his own perspective. Besides, this article tries to picture the dynamics of how IL corresponded to challenging leadership concepts, diverse cultural contexts as well as shifting educational reforms and eventually developed into a helpful organizing concept up till now. It concludes with reflections on some key issues concerning the themes, perspectives and interests for knowledge building in this field, discussing matters of historical roots and the future ahead for leadership study in education.
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    The Relationship Research of Transformational Leadership and School Teachers’ Organizational Commitment:A Mediating Effect of Teachers’ Self-efficacy
    Liu Lili, Kong Man
    2020, 38 (7):  97-105.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.07.008
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    In order to study the direct impact of the transformational leadership of the principal on the organizational commitment level of teachers and the mediating effect of teachers’ self-efficacy in the impact mechanism, the transformational leadership and teacher self-efficacy were designed for 520 high school teachers from many provinces and cities. By using AMOS 23.0,we construct a structural equation model to explore the mechanism of interaction between variables, combined with Bootstrap to introduce the teacher self-efficacy as a mediator variable for the empirical analysis. The analysis results show that the principal’s transformational leadership and teacher’s self-efficacy have a significant positive impact on teacher’s organizational commitment; teacher’s self-efficacy plays a partial intermediary role in the relationship between the principal’s transformational leadership and the teacher’s organizational commitment. The principal's transformational leadership influences teachers’ organizational commitment by affecting teachers’ self-efficacy.
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    Knowledge, Method and Belief in Science Education from the Perspective of Philosophy of Science
    Zhu Jing
    2020, 38 (7):  106-116.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.07.009
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    Drawing on recent development in social epistemology and philosophy of science, this study explores the importance of understanding the nature of science in science education, more than just basic knowledge of science facts,which is to help students make evidence-based decisions on science-related issues in the future. Moreover, it clarifies that the job of science education from an epistemic perspective and the division of cognitive labor, is to establish or maintain the epistemic authority of science. Students should be provided with the recent researches on scientific practice in philosophy of science about the real and complex image of science, and the real practice of scientists in history of science to develop a richer and more authentic understanding of science. Philosophers of science need to engage in constructive conversation with the science education community to explore a schema of teaching scientific practices with a pragmatic approach that takes into account students' levels, their prior knowledge as well the context of learning.
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    How Students’ Science Capital Influences their Career Aspiration in Western China
    Li Ling, Zhu Haixue, Pan Shimei
    2020, 38 (7):  117-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.07.010
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    The concept of science capital is derived from technological capital on basis of Bourdieu’s cultural reproduction theory. It was first introduced into education in China. In this paper, we try to explore the mechanism of how science capital influences ninth grade students’ science career aspiration, using the monitoring data of education quality from 107 middle schools in western China. The results show that students with high level of science capital are more likely to choose science career than those with middle or low level. In terms of their career aspiration, the former are more influenced by family cultural capital (be determined) while the latter are more influenced by their own educational expectation (self-selection). In addition, there are significant group differences in science career aspiration. Students with high level of science capital are more influenced by self-science attitude and science confidence. In conclusion, it’s suggested that we should increase science capital of middle school students to help cultivate high-quality talents of science and technology innovation.
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