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    20 June 2020, Volume 38 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Establishing Computational Education Subject: Position, Paradigm and System
    Zheng Yonghe, Yan Xiaomei, Wang Jingying, Wang Yangchunxiao, Liu Shiyu
    2020, 38 (6):  1-19.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.06.001
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    The emergence of big data and the development of smart technology have promoted the intelligent educational practice and the systematic change of its research paradigm. The development of computing theories, technology and big data in education laid the foundations for computational education. Based on the analysis framework of subject construction, computational education is a new subject which use computing technology on quantified educational data to explore the real problems in education. It values practices and cross-disciplinary research. It has a unique research paradigm, based on computing techniques, shifting from top-down research tradition to combined research methods. Nowadays, the main research methods include both computing simulation experiments and data-intensive scientific discovery. This paper argues that computational education still lacks knowledge construction and social construction of the subject. It then puts forward a framework for systematized construction of subject knowledge from the aspects of breakthrough in subject theory and key technologies, research paradigm and generation of subject knowledge, interactive environment and construction of teaching application, and also from the aspects of building professional societies, personnel training plans and academic evaluation. Finally, some constructional suggestions on the subject development of computational education in China are put forward. It is not limited to the development of educational research paradigm based on data science. As an independent, emerging and application-oriented interdisciplinary discipline, computational education needs to systematically strengthen basic theoretical research, applied research, establish professional societies and an integrated platform of production, learning, research and use, and gather the strength of all sectors of society to promote the development of this subject.
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    The Influence of the College Entrance Examination Reform on Freshman’s Academic Adaptation: Inhibition or Promotion?
    Bao Wei, Jin Honghao
    2020, 38 (6):  20-33.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.06.002
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    In 2014, the Chinese government initiated the college entrance examination reform (CEE reform). Aiming at promoting student’s transition from high school to college, the CEE reform tries to reconstruct high school students’ academic experience and strengthen competency-based education. Based on the national college student development survey data, this paper examines the impact of the CEE reform on freshmen's academic adaptation using PSM-DID method. The data analysis found that the academic performance of the freshmen from Zhejiang and Shanghai has slightly declined due to the impact of the CEE reform on their academic foundation in high schools. With the strengthening of career education in the high school, the CEE reform has significantly improved the interest-major congruence of freshmen. In addition, the impact of the CEE reform on freshmen's academic adaptation is heterogeneous. For freshmen from rural areas with weak educational resources, the decline of their academic adaptation is more significant compared to their counterparts.
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    A Discussion on Scoring and Adjusting Methods for Elective Subjects of College Entrance Examination in China
    Wen Zhonglin
    2020, 38 (6):  34-42.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.06.003
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    There are elective subjects in the new schemes of college entrance examination in China. However the original scores of different elective subjects are incomparable because the group ability of candidates and the difficulty of test paper may vary from subject to subject. Paper difficulty of each subject is set at the same level when using the standardized scores or grades with preset percentage to elective subjects, but the group ability of candidates is also set at the same level at the same time, which brings about a series of problems. The problems are discussed in detail for several typical schemes of college entrance examination in China. A feasible way to solve the problems is to statistically adjust the scores of each elective subject according to candidates’ scores of compulsory subjects. In addition, several issues about the score adjustment in elective subject are addressed. The adjustment procedure might be designed very simply and easy to understand. A special case is that on the basis of grades with preset percentage, candidates can only upgrade, not downgrade.
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    What Kind of Failure is the Mother of Success?—Instructional Design of STEM under the Perspective of Productive Failure
    Liu Hui, Yang Jiaxin, Xu Lingling, Zhang Peng, Wang Siyan
    2020, 38 (6):  43-69.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.06.004
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    As a productive way to cultivate innovation, STEM has drawn a lot of attention domestically and abroad. However, there are few research on STEM instructional design and there are also many misunderstandings in practice. In the STEM class, students often face so demanding tasks that failure is inevitable. However, failure provides us a perspective to study STEM instructional design. In this paper, we use a design-based research method to iterate the theoretical prototype in practice and constructe a productive guiding paradigm of STEM. Then we compare three types of teaching, from which it is found that the productive guiding type is significantly better than the unsupervised and guided in the migration effect. At the same time, the four types of behaviors including productive failure, productive success, unproductive failure and unproductive success are coded to further clarify the connotation of different behavior types, thus deepening the understanding of failure and success. Effective class behavior can promote migration, while effective class behavior occurs in the effective guidance type. Our study develops Kapur’s theory of productive failure, and puts forward suggestions for STEM instructional design from the aspects of goal, evaluation and process, which have enlightenments for STEM teaching and the competency-oriented teaching reform at present.
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    Identifying the “Best Evidence”: How to Use Meta-analysis to Conduct a Literature Review—A Case of STEM Education’s Effect on Students’ Academic Achievement
    Zeng Zhaobing, Yao Jijun
    2020, 38 (6):  70-85.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.06.005
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    Compared with the method of traditional subjective literature review, meta-analysis is more objective, normative, and can effectively sort out general conclusion from existing empirical researches. Therefore, it has become an important method to identify the “best evidence” in the process of evidence-based educational reform. So far there are few educational studies in China using the meta-analysis method to review the empirical literatures. In view of this, this research analyzes the impact of STEM education on students’ academic achievement as an example of how to use meta-analysis to synthesise existing empirical research. We found: 1) STEM education is conductive to students academic achievements (d=0.410); 2) factors like educational methods, students’ educational stage, location and sample size can affect the effects. The study provides the general evidence of effects of STEM education and explores how to obtain reliable evidence through a literature review to support educational reform.
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    Parental Generational Tenure in the Family Structure of Left-behind Children
    Wu Chonghan, Qi Wunian
    2020, 38 (6):  86-101.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.06.006
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    Social economic transformation and urban-rural dual structure, as well as the transfer of rural labor force to cities have led to the widespread phenomenon of rural left-behind families and intergenerational upbringing. However, the absence or separation of parents does not necessarily lead to the absence of parental rearing or break-up of parent-child relationship. The subjective perspective transcends the presupposition of binary opposition, creating its own history in the structure. Through the edification of social culture, the perception of parent-child relationship, and the substitution of important others in schools and communities, left-behind children develop a cognitive schema of parental generational tenure based on their own perspectives. The structure of parental generational tenure in children can be divided into three levels, Basic Level (symbolizing parents and transcendental parents), Core Level (concrete parents and responsible parents), Support Level (guardian’s maintenance of parent’s role and the important position of acting parent). Such an interpretation framework of parental generational tenure from a child’s perspective has an important enlightenment, for schools to communicate and cooperate with families of Left-behind children, and for rational choice of methods of family education for left-behind children.
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    Urbanization and Human Capital: Early Childhood Development in Rural China
    Zhang Siqi, Shi Yaojiang, Wang Lei, Yang Ning, Liu Buyao, Dang Ruirui, Bai Yu
    2020, 38 (6):  102-115.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.06.007
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    Human capital is an important driver of economic growth in the process of urbanization. It is important to improve early childhood development (ECD) since ECD is essential for human capital accumulation. In the process of human capital accumulation, parenting practices play a very important role in ECD. Using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development III (BSID-III) and household survey form, we examine the rates of developmental delays among 6-36 months old infant/toddler in four major types of rural communities in China. We also explore the relationship between parenting practices and ECD. The results show that: 1) the shares of developmental delays are high in our samples; 2) only a small share of caregivers engages in the interactive parenting practices with their infant/toddler; 3) interactive parenting practices are significantly and negatively associated with developmental delays. Under the background of urbanization, early childhood development in rural communities urgently requires more attention if China hopes to build up enough human capital towards a high-income economy.
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    Thinking Under COVID-19: Life Principle and Life Education —Dialogues between He Huaihong, Gao Desheng and Ma Guochuan
    He Huaihong, Gao Desheng, Ma Guochuan
    2020, 38 (6):  116-125.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.06.008
    Abstract ( 324 )   HTML ( 139 )   PDF (534KB) ( 298 )   Save
    On February 27, 2020, Mr. He Huaihong was interviewed by Mr. Ma Guochuan, exploring the life philosophy under COVID-19. The interview, titled Always Prioritizing Life Principle, soon became popular online. The topic is closely related to education. Rethinking school education, we can see quite a few drawbacks. Therefore, the Journal of East China Normal University (Educational Sciences) invites Prof. Gao Desheng to join Mr. Ma and Mr. He in a further and detailed dialogue based on the interview, and thus the article, which is published here to enhance the practice and thinking on life principle and education in the education community and beyond.
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