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    01 November 2023, Volume 41 Issue 11 Previous Issue   
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    The Practical Characteristics, Difficulties and Cooperative Ways of Teacher Subjects in Children’s Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School: An Empirical Investigation of Kindergarten and Primary School Teachers from 11 Provinces and Cities
    Jin Huang, Fang Tian, Hui Qiao, Meng Zhang, Chang Yu
    2023, 41 (11):  1-12.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.11.001
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    The transition from kindergarten to primary school is a critical period for children to adapt to society and future education. Kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers are important participants to ensure effective two-way coordination and support the smooth transition. Based on the perspective of multi subjects’ collaborative participation in the transition practices, this study investigates the transition beliefs and practice of kindergarten and primary school teachers. Participants were 9,872 kindergarten teachers and 7,411 primary school teachers from 11 provinces and cities. The findings revealed that there were conflicts in the belief and understanding of transition to school between kindergarten and primary school teachers, and there was inconsistency in the organization and implementation of curriculum and teaching. They faced such practical difficulties as weak belief in cooperation, low implementation rate of cooperation, limited external support, and insufficient internal understanding. These findings highlight that it should promote the coordination of kindergarten and primary school teachers to support the smooth transition of children in such aspects as establishing a consensus on two-way coordination based on children’s position, realizing the continuity of curriculum and teaching, building an interactive platform and forming a supportive guarantee system.

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    Metaverse in Education: Position Every Child Real Experience in the New World
    Xiaoqing Gu, Ping Wan, Gong Wang
    2023, 41 (11):  13-26.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.11.002
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    Metaverse attracted attention in the field of education, but there is still a lack of rational understanding. Therefore, it is necessary to rethink about the real meaning of metaverse and its educational value. Metaverse is the existence that connects the real world you are currently in with other different time and space, through which you can enter the real situation of any time and space, and this is also the way for students to learn knowledge in the future. The Metaverse in education enriches the existence of knowledge, the depth of the learner’s learning experience and the scope of the true-life world, allowing students to directly experience the process of knowledge dissemination, knowledge construction, knowledge application, knowledge production and creation. At the same time, the process of interaction between learners and the situation affects the formation and development of human social knowledge, and the influence is fed back to the real-life world to promote the real occurrence of knowledge learning. On this basis, this research further explores the possible application scenarios of metaverse in education and analyzes the key technologies and potential educational value and risks.

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    From Knowledge Sharing to Knowledge Co-creation: A Decentralized View of Knowledge in the Education Metaverse
    Xuesong Zhai, Xiaoyan Chu, Jianmin Gu, Yan Li, Huijun Wang
    2023, 41 (11):  27-37.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.11.003
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    With the advent of Web3.0 era characterized by semantic network and swarm intelligence, educational metaverse have become the exploration topic of future education under the new generation of Internet revolution, which will profoundly affect the future knowledge dissemination and knowledge production in education. Exploring the innovation of knowledge concept in the context of educational metaverse is not only necessary to clarify the connotation of educational metaverse, but also an essential requirement to build a higher quality and more equitable education service system. From the perspective of technology-society interconstructionism, the current research elaborated the decentralised characteristics and technological basis of the education metaverse. Oriented to three realistic problems of cultivating top innovative talents, quality and equitable development of education and education evaluation reform, the study uncovered the technological-social duality of education metaverse from the decentralised concept of knowledge. Combining the technological characteristics and the educational needs of society, the education metaverse effectively empowers decentralised knowledge co-creation in the process of knowledge production, dissemination and application. However, the knowledge concept of the education metaverse is a relative decentralisation, which still requires central institutions to play an appropriate role in the education ecology, classroom teaching and knowledge organization. A rational and critical investigation of the decentralised knowledge concept of the educational metaverse provides a reference for further promoting the high-quality and balanced development of education driven by the “Internet + Education”.

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    Education in Metaverse: The Status Quo and Innovation
    Lin Wang, Hongzhou Chen, Wei Cai
    2023, 41 (11):  38-51.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.11.004
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    This article examines the educational practice and cutting-edge ideas of different actors under the concept of metaverse. We bring forward three levels of observation of education in Metaverse, namely, the changing structure empowered by decentralized technology, the altered knowledge and experience of education in metaverse, and the development of human-computer Interaction. We believe that, first, Web 3 Education will update the traditional educational model and highlight the publicity of education from the dimensions of DAO, Defi and DID. Second, video games have significant advantages in forging educational cognitive chains, expanding digital classroom narratives, and building ubiquitous learning mechanisms, and are important auxiliary educational resources in Metaverse. Finally, the new form of human-computer interaction broadens the boundaries of disciplines, and the university metaverse that takes place in the digital education community creates new connection possibilities for education and learning.

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    The Beginning of the Metaverse: Value Transformation of Music Education in the Post-digital Era
    Wei Guo
    2023, 41 (11):  52-66.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.11.005
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    In the post-digital era, daily life has been brought forward by digital technology, and a series of cultural implications and value innovations have been produced and evaluated. In the process of music learning and practice of music education, the individual-oriented principle in both teaching and learning is facing the crisis of contradiction between “human” and The Mega-data Times. Many anti-traditional representations outside the crisis can be regarded as the requirements of the value transformation from music learning to music education in the context of the new era. Based on the ecology of music education in the post-digital era, this paper focuses on the identity of the object, the attribute of the content and the positioning of the purpose—who I am, my music learning and what I can be—the connotation of the pursuit of three core values, and the necessity of the value transformation of music education in the post-digital era.

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    The Underlying Logic and Construction Path of Digital Pedagogy: On the Construction of Chinese Digital Pedagogy
    Guangbin Zhang, Kexun Xue
    2023, 41 (11):  67-84.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.11.006
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    The digital transformation of education is a profound educational reform, which has spawned a series of new phenomena and problems in education, nurtured new laws in education, and urgently needs the systematic theoretical research and overall practical guidance. Digital pedagogy, as an interdisciplinary practical science formed by the integration of education, computer science, information and communication science, aims to study the phenomena, problems, and laws of digital education, and answer questions about what and how to cultivate people in the digital age. This study takes the learning law as the starting point, the supporting discipline development of pedagogy and the development of paper, information, digital and other technologies as the main line, and reveals the historical inevitability of digital pedagogy. The return of education to the digital world, data as the new element of education, virtual space as the new space of education and the internal interactio among the three act as the underlying logic of digital pedagogy, and throughout the research. On this basis, it clarifies the nature and positioning of digital pedagogy, and puts forward the academic framework of business digitalization, organization digitalization and technology digitalization, the integration discourse system, and the big data research paradigm. On the basis of theoretical analysis, this paper puts forward the “four principles”, “three stages”, “four forces” and basic guarantee for the construction of Chinese-style digital pedagogy, with a view to providing practical guidance for exploring new laws of digital education, promoting digital pedagogy research and theoretical innovation of Chinese-style education modernization, leading the transformation and upgrading of education digitalization and high-quality development of digital education.

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    Strengthen Replication of Educational Quantitative Research in China
    Yi Li, Jianqing Zhang, Yanling Yang
    2023, 41 (11):  85-96.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.11.007
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    In this study, the principle of replication, replication of research and repeated research were discriminated theoretically. Then it discussed three types of repeated research (exact, direct and conceptual) and two functions (validation and extension) and elaborated the meaning and value of replication. Based on that, this study took the repeated quantitative research published in 37 educational CSSCI journals from 2015 to 2020 as samples to analyze the current situation and the problems of replication for the educational quantitative research in China. The study found that it is not fully recognized that replication is the basic position of innovative research; the undeveloped foundation of quantitative research leads to the difficulty in conducting repeated researches; the failure of replication is misunderstood, which leads to the panic of ‘replication crisis’; the traditional thinking inertia hinders the original research teams to continue their original research interest. Accordingly, the study presented the following suggestions: reinforce understanding of the value of repeated research, establish incentive mechanism of repeated research; strengthen training of researchers in quantitative research methods, build an open science platform to turn the ‘black box’ into the ‘white box; overcome the stereotype of “success rate only”, build a stable research team to follow up and form research clusters.

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    A Philosophical Tracing of Learner Evaluation in Support of Individualized Development: Based on Husserl’s Phenomenological Analysis
    Qian Bai, Jiaying Hou, Yi Li
    2023, 41 (11):  97-107.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.11.008
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    The evaluation of learners’ individual development is an important issue to support the development of education, which needs a solid theoretical basis. However, the work in this area is far from enough. Combing the epistemological achievements of Husserl’s phenomenology, we find that the thoughts of time and occurrence, individualized construction, interactive subjectivity and the same world running through his logical system can be used as the starting point for thinking about the evaluation of learners’ individualized development, and can well explain the coordination between individualized development and the generality of teaching objectives. Marton F’s phenomenology can also be included as an explanatory tool. Therefore, on the basis of reviewing the achievements and shortcomings of the current individualized development evaluation, this paper explains the core idea of Husserl’s phenomenology, discusses the individualized development evaluation from three aspects: the timeliness of the evaluation process, the structure of the evaluation content and the relationship between the evaluation subjects, and gives a systematic explanation on the evaluation of learners’ individualized development based on the epistemological thinking of Husserl et al.

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    Justifying “Migration”: The Meaning and Effect of Proactive-education Migrating
    Sheng Cui, Qiuxiang Wu
    2023, 41 (11):  108-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.11.009
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    Education is an increasingly important factor in population migration, and there are groups migrated due to education. However, the impact of migration on students’ academic ability is not consistent. On the basis of clarifying migrant children, left-behind children, immigrant children, and immigrant children of rural migrant workers, this paper divided the groups of proactive-education migrating and passive-education migrating according to whether the main purpose of the migration involved education or not. And then, it explored the effect and mechanism of proactive-education migrating on academic ability. Based on the tracking data of China Education Panel Survey (CEPS), this paper found that proactive-education migrating could significantly improve students’ academic ability. Compared with different control groups, the positive effect of proactive-education migrating on the academic ability ranged from 0.06 to 0.08 standard scores. It also had a direct or indirect impact on academic ability through parent educational expectation and parent involvement. In addition, proactive-education migrating had a heterogeneous effect across different hukou groups and different inflow places. This paper attempts to separate the positive components of the migration effect to justify migration, and to provide migrating strategies for families with different backgrounds.

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